Eggs, Eggs, and Salmon Roe. As an avid egg lover, this tasting lab had me excited. The three different chicken eggs were Golden Egg (scrambled in shell), White Egg (regular), Pink Egg (pickled), Marbled Egg (boiled in black tea), and Salmon Roe.
My initial thoughts: The golden egg was a nice mix of egg white and egg yolk taste and the texture was somewhat fluffy.
The White egg was bland and unsurprising after tasting the other three.
The Pink Egg had a nice beet earth taste to it. Just enough pickling to not be overpowering.
The marbled egg was my favorite by far. It had this vibrant Umami taste, almost like soy sauce but sweeter.
I did not eat the Salmon Roe, my knowledge of Salmon restoration gives me strong feelings of reverence to the Salmon Life cycle and every egg carries specific genetic DNA that could further the species.
After reading the passages about each egg, the taste didn’t change but my perception did. I was not at all surprised that the white egg had come from a farm that did not treat its chickens well, its in the taste. You can taste the pain, and the imprisonment of the Hens. I am and was very grateful for all the hard work put into making the varieties of eggs, and for the introduction of new ways to enjoy eggs.