Triggering Passages:
“As in the passages of Work that open this chapter, bread does not just signify surrender to the patriarchal diktat; it is an portentous product that signifies, as well, an emergent form of independent female subjectivity, although one still caught up in what readers of Alcott’s other books will recognize as her particular nostalgia for the traditional” (Tompkins 133).
News Media Context:
The enduring portrait of Myspace Tom, the Mona Lisa of profile pictures
Picture Myspace founder Tom Anderson in your head. What do you see? A man, 20-something, with short hair, looking over the shoulder of his white T-shirt. And his face, well, his face is slightly pixelated.
Once again Tompkins is right on the mark by using the image of bread as a tool for oppression. Women have been confined to the kitchen for centuries, forced to follow the husband’s commands. But the black woman has been chained to the white kitchen, which is a more oppressive form of bread making than the white mother and wife. For me I try and visualize this passage in connection with the use of salmon to enslave the Native Community’s, and force them into assimilation. As the salmon have been overtly exploited almost into extinction, they have been forced to assimilate in to the Patriarchy society of white settlers, a lot like African slaves, and all women.
This article relates directly to Tompkins article, as the image of a white man is still popular and circulated though the Internet. This image reinforces the concept of male dominance in society though deep roots of Patriarchy.
Works Citied
Plaugic, Lizzie. “The enduring portrait of Myspace Tom, the Mona Lisa of profile pictures”. The Verge. February 17 2017: Page (1). Web. February 20 2017.
Tompkins, Kyla W. Racial Indigestion: Eating Bodies in the 19th Century. New York and London: New York University Press, 2012. Print