My last day for my internship is drawing closer by the day. March 23rd Student GREEN Congress and my final foray in the fantastic universe of Environmental Education in the Nisqually watershed.
So this week for my blog, I’m asking myself what I have learned? What have I gained for these last few months interning?
We shall start with the technical skills I gained though our different projects.
- WordPress
- How to Conduct Water Testing including: Dissolved Oxygen, pH, BOD, Nitrates, Fecal Coliform, and Turbidity.
- How to properly plant a tree and how to teach students to plant a tree.
- Google Drive Operation.
- How to make a proper flyer or poster for an event
- How to write a Press Release
And then we have all the other skills I gained though out my 6 months.
- Event planning
- Teaching children of various school age about environmental education.
- How to Collaborate with a wide range of people on different project.
- Multi-tasking different projects for different events at the same time.
- How to reassure teachers when they become stressed about participation in an event.
I am immensely grateful for having this experience. I learned about the Nisqually Watershed and all of the different faucets pouring into it. I gained valuable allies and connections that will propel me forward as I enter the workforce and no longer hold the title of Evergreen Student. My experience is incredibly hard to sum up in just one sitting, but I have fulfilled my learning objective of: To learn how an Environmental Education nonprofit operates. To gain hands on experience in the areas of collaboration with teachers, students, and other nonprofits in the Olympia area.