Addressing Food Insecurity on College Campuses

Winter 2017 Natasha Bynum



Week Three: Books or Bread

The weeks are flying. We’re already basically a third of the way through the quarter, and as I read through the information I’ve gathered so far, I realized I needed to back up for a second. When addressing an issue,… Continue Reading →

Week Two: With Food and Justice For All

It’s been a long week. Between events and lectures on campus, my work with the Food Systems Working Group, all of my seemingly disjointed readings, the inauguration, and the Women’s March, my head feels like it’s spinning. In an attempt… Continue Reading →

Seminar Weekly Post: Week Two

SOS: ComAlt, Seminar Pre-Writing Week 2 24 January 2016 Word Count: 246   Passages: “Just as the incipient industrialization of the United States exploited the muscle power of the immigrant, so, too, did the aspiring domestic household” (Tompkins 2012: 44)… Continue Reading →

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