In this contract entitled “Addressing Food Insecurity on College Campuses: At Evergreen and Beyond,” the student will learn about the relationships between food as a commodity, socioeconomic status, and higher education. The student will investigate the current measures being taken on college campuses to address food insecurity by researching implemented college programs and connecting with relevant Evergreen offices and groups. The student will provide weekly research notes, reflective writing pieces, and a 15-20 page final position paper outlining the most effective methods for addressing food insecurity on the Evergreen campus. Texts to be studied include: Endless Appetites by Alan Bjerga, Paying the Price by Sara Goldrick-Rab, sections from Alimentary Tracts by Parama Roy, and The Economics of Inequality by Thomas Piketty. Films to be studied include: A Place At the Table, Thought for Food, and Just Eat It.

SOS ComAlt Winter Quarter Self Eval

ComAlt Final Presentation

Food Insecurity at Evergreen (This is my term paper posted on the Week 9 blog, but just for kicks.)