Jan 29

This week was the first week for the Enterprise for Equity course. As such I had no homework for E4E and focused more on the upper division and supplemental readings. I finished reading the Vertical Farm which I mentioned in my lit review for week 3. I’m halfway through the Bio-Integrated Farm which I’ll talk about next week. I have an early morning class wednesday of next week for E4E at the downtown library, followed by the usually pm class the following thursday to discuss market research more in-depth.

I’m starting to connect with some clients and line some projects up to start in spring. I’m started working on my yard and am planning on implementing some of the techniques I’m reading about in the Bio-Integrated Farm such as the gravity fed irrigation system via a collection tank fed from the roof. I’m going to be experimenting with lasagna gardening in the backyard for weed control, and will do some huegelkulture with a bunch of wood the landlord left on the property. More on that later.

I’ve also started a plant info spreadsheet on google spreadsheets. It has most of the plants’ information and will be used as my cheat sheet for the landscaping. Most of the plants are perennials and suited for the garden woodland plot. I plant to have at least 100 plants listed by the end of this quarter and hope to continue building on them as time goes by. More on this later as well.

All in all, I’m exciting to keep reading about lawn toxins and bioaccumulators starting next week.

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Shani's Edible Landscaping, Soulful Soils