

Hello fellow SOS comrades and classmates on campus. You’llĀ have to forgive my late arrival to the WordPress forum. Unforeseen circumstances had arisen to keep me away, but I have been busy at work. I am currently continuing a year long ILC, focusing on fine metal working, through the lens of ornamentation and esthetic. A cross cultural comparison looking at religious rights, folk tradition and the societies and governments that arise from them. Last quarter I was in South East Asia looking at sharing of culture through trade, then influence of religion that changed the local languages and arts. This quarter i will be continuing the same, only headed back to Mexico, and on to Puerto Rico and potentially the Dominican Republic, where I will be continuing hands on metalworking as well as looking at culture and history working in the background. These influences are continuing to shape contemporary cultures, as we are also being influenced by the fast changing technologies of today, where I’ll also be focusing on tacking advantage of the online learning community at through evergreen.

i will be posting the tangible works as well as the essays I’ve written over the past three weeks.

if any y’all have questions or input Im very interested in hearing from you.

Hello and thanks


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