Nature As A Commodity

Linsey Fields


Seminar Weekly

Tomatoland and Vibration Cooking

Triggering Passages: “Again, pesticide poisoning was the cause. But while the research money flowed into looking in to the causes of reptile and bird illnesses, not a nickel was spent on examining the laborers who spent their lives working, eating,… Continue Reading →

War and Greed

Triggering passages: “Basking in the same balmy climate as the state’s active retirees…But for tomatoes to survive long enough to take advantage of that huge potential market, Florida growers have to wage what amounts to total war against the elements…. Continue Reading →

Women Feed The World

Triggering passages: “I concluded that we Westerners are truly ignorant…It is the distortions of these modes of thought and their predominance over everything else that have created an unsustainable situation” (Petrini 178 and 179). “Women-centered agriculture is the basis of… Continue Reading →

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