
Annotated Bibliography for Independent research into radical political theory (Spring 2017)

Bookchin, M. (1971) Post Scarcity Anarchism, Ramparts Press, Inc. Berkeley, CA. The sentinel book on the theories of social ecology, municipalism, and automations place in a post capitalist world.

Chomsky on Libertarian Socialism, video. A basic sketch of the anti-authoritarian left told by the world’s foremost political analyst on U.S. foreign intervention.

Debord, G.  (1994) The Society of the Spectacle, Zone Books, New York. One the poster books for the situationist international (an anti-authoritarian marxist group), philosophizes the brain-washed grip modern society has an its people.  

De Cleyre, V. (?) The Economic Tendency of Freethought, The Anarchist Library. Discusses the age of enlightenment and the anarchy of thought.

De Cleyre, V. (?) Direct Action, The Anarchist Library. This articles gives justifications for direct action.

Dupont, M. (2003) Nihilist Communism, The Anarchist Library. Stemming from the anti-political left, this series of articles makes significant theories and movements relationships to revolution and the importance of focusing on the economic.

“Emma Goldman: An Exceedingly Dangerous Woman,” documentary. Tells the amazing and heartbreaking story of Goldman’s life.

Green, J (2006), Death in the Haymarket, Anchor Books, New York. This historical text takes you through gilded age Chicago, the state-repression, corporate tyranny, and the radical movements that fought against it.

Greer, T.S (1996) A lifelong Anarchist!, Ignacio hills press. A series of writings and speeches by Lucy Parsons.

Harvey, D (2013), The End of Capitalism,. David Harvey is a marxist economist that theorizes how we might transition into the next major economic model.

Kropotkin, P (1902). Mutual Aid: A Factor in Evolution. Hampshire press, Southampton, England. Kropotkin challenges dogmatic darwinism by using the lenses of natural history and anthropology to make a case for the naturalness of mutual aid.

Luxemburg, R. (1906)  The Mass Strike: the political party and the trade unions, Marxist Educational Society, Detroit. Luxemburg theorizes the order of events that lead to revolution and the mass strike’s place within that scheme.

Malatesta, E. (1891). Anarchy, Freedom (Journal). The foundation of anarchist theory according to italian anarchist Errico Malatesta.

Ocalan, A. (2011) Democratic Confederalism, Transmedia Publishing Ltd. – London, Cologne. Ocalan examines when a form of governance becomes a nation-state and provides his theorizes of self-organization largely based of of Bookchin’s municipalism.

P.B.S. (2016) The Mine Wars, American Experience series. This documentary tells the story of an early 20th century mine worker insurrection against their west virginia towns corporate tyranny.

Red Emma Speaks: Selected Writings and Speeches by Emma Goldman. These series of essays and lectures gives Goldman’s take on atheism, free love, and the subservient power of the state.

Ross, K. (2016). Communal Luxury: The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune. La Fabrique: London. This book tells the story of the 1871 Paris Commune and how the event shaped the perspectives of the centuries radical minds.

Williams, A. (2013) Against the “local”, Youtube. Post-cap thinker points out the contradictions within the green liberal local movement.

Wolf, R (2014), Crisis and Opinions: Introduction to Marxism. Wolf is a marxist economics professor.