Homework 1 due April 12

CPaT<br />

Computing Practice and Theory

Homework 1 due Fri April 12

The starred problems (*) are upper division

  1. Convert the decision tree in Figure 1.3(a) on P 18 to a rule set.
  2. Find a decision tree to represent the following table, where o is the outcome:
       p  |  q  | o
       T  |  H  | 0
       T  |  L  | 1
       F  |  H  | 1
       F  |  L  | 0

    What is a minimal rule set?

  3. Choose one of the domains in section 1.3: Web Mining, Credit Rating, Image Screening, Load Forecasting,
    or Device Diagnosis, create a set of attributes that you think would be useful for predicting the outcome. Create a sample instance of the concept.

  4. What is the problem of reidentification?
  5. (*) What are the differences among classification, clustering, learning associations, and numeric prediction? Illustrate how each of these different types of learning approaches would be applied to the weather examples in tables 1.2, 1.3 and 2.2.
  6. (*) Explain how 2.7 x 1034 was calculated on P. 30 in Chapter 1.