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Posted by on January 15, 2015

Yesterday was insane. Right after breakfast, we piled into two sumos* completely unprepared for what would turn out to be the longest, and most interestingly painful road trip of our young lives. We were crammed three to a seat, for twenty hours. Unless you were in the back, where the seats were sideways (and probably only should have had enough room for one person) and were crammed with two sweaty American asses. There was no door on the back, *seeing as a sumo is literally a giant jeep, and coincidentally during the day when the sun was out, even though your ass was squished beyond recognition, it was breezy and tolerable. Unfortunately the flip side of that was that once it got dark the cold air would whip through the back rendering it close to impossible to sleep.

In the beginning of the trip, those of us who’d been sentenced to the back formed a union of sorts and demanded that every so often we rotate in groups. The rest of the group was hesitant (since everyone knew the plight of the backseat), but eventually they conceded so that no one would have to know that pain for too long. However regardless of our pact to switch out our groups, by the end of the second hour in the back, almost everyone was ready to tuck and roll and walk the rest of the way.

Aside from the terrors of the backseat, we spent the time:

  • Singing shitty versions of good American songs
  • Dancing to nep pop
  • Praying we wouldn’t fall off the side of the mountain
  • Bruce Springsteen
  • Sleeping
  • Laughing at Luke not laughing at us laughing
  • Eating whatever (mostly expired) American food we could get our hands on
  • Watching Shikhar and Josolynn and imagining what their children would look like
  • Bruce Springsteen
  • Imagining what everyone would look like as a dog
  • Dancing to bad remixes of Shakira/One Direction/Justin Bieber/Green Day
  • Complaining about Daal Baht
  • Listening to Bhupal tell stories about his ex-girlfriends
  • Deciding who would die first in a horror film
  • Bruce Springsteen
  • Getting lost in the fog for two hours
  • Taking short pee breaks
  • Imitating James Blunt
  • Making jokes about Bill Cosby
  • Laughing about nothing in particular because we were so tired that sleep was no longer a relevant option


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