Asha Richardson
Ideas: My Mind – Homesickness
My Mind – Homesickness I feel like I should be writing about how my feelings have changed since I have been in Nepal or just what I think of Nepal so far, but when I think about ideas, I think about what is on my mind… Homesickness is the one thing that has been on … Continue reading
People: KTM Buddhist Monks
Dear Kathmandu Buddhist Monks, I have never seen you up close and in person before and I thought for some reason it would be hard to find you. I have seen you in many places other than in Stupas here in Nepal. I always imagine you as an aged, wise man, wrapped in orange cloth, … Continue reading
Self: Asha
Dear Self, I learned that I have so much more patience than I thought I had. I have discovered more of my strengths and weaknesses and have realized that I can conquer more than I think. Throughout this trip I have grown emotionally, physically and mentally stronger. This country is absolutely beautiful despite some of … Continue reading