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Posted by on January 4, 2015

I fell in love with Nepal the moment I saw it from the plane. It was beautiful from the air; pictures wouldn’t do it justice, so I decided to stick to capturing everything with my memory. At first, we rounded a corner and everything looked like it was caught inside a misty haze, and then the sun peeked through the clouds and opened up to the most breathtaking view of rolling hills, dotted with tiny picturesque houses.

As we drew closer to the ground in Kathmandu, everything looked like a model play set. The tiny houses made of clay and their wrinkled tin roofs, felt dreamlike. The way the mountainside simply ran underneath all of it made it feel endless, almost infinite.

When we arrived, it was sunny and everything glittered, even the tall yellow grass. Regrettably, by the time we actually made it out of the airport, night had overtaken the city. The darkness didn’t make Kathmandu’s streets any less beautiful however, if anything, it only added a layer of mystery to its beauty. To my eyes, darkness in Kathmandu was like the veil that a bride wears on her wedding day.

One the bus to the hotel, I couldn’t stop drinking it in. It almost seemed familiar, regardless of the fact that everything was written in a foreign print, and that I didn’t know what the difference between a tikka and a bindi was. It was like meeting with an old friend, I didn’t really need to know what the signs said in order to know that I was exactly where I belonged.



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