Southern Escarpment Field Notes

Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)
Cheat grass (Bromus tectorum)
Other knee high grasses
Desert Asters (Xylorhiza tortifolia)
Desert Buckwheat (Eriogonum codium)
Orange, green, and white crustose lichens (Mycophycophyta)
Moss (Bryophyta)

Darkling beetle (Gonopus tibialis)
Cows (in the form of cow pies) (Bos primigenius)
Gnats (Culex pipiens)
Ants (Formicidae)
Deer (Cervidae)
Coyote (scat) (Canis latrans)

In this area we also identified several patterns in the nature around us, including concentric, spiral, parallel, tessellate, and scatter patterns.

At the southern escarpment, it was windy and slightly rainy, which created the sound of rattlesnakes rustling in the grasses. There were some light clouds but mostly dark grey ones covered the sky. A rainbow appeared towards the north midway through the day. There were plentiful gnats and bees at lower elevations and between bluffs, but once we were on top of the bluffs they disappeared. There are signs of trauma in burned wood on the ground.

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