Umatilla Snake Saddle: Field Notes

Touch: By the time I write this it’s wet. Small raindrops sprinkle expectantly on my hands. The stone is rough and scratchy where I touch. The stone cracked and unstable. The grass is smooth and my feet slip slightly against it. It is windy here.

Smell: It smells of dust here. Dry dry dry, though the sky smells expectantly of rain.

Sight: Most of this place is sight, we are up about 40 feet and the view is amazing. To my right I can see green lake. From here it looks like it got some water from the rainy nights. It also seems to be brownish red, with white near the edges. Here on the butte there is lichen growing on the walls, which extend another 20 feet up from where we are, green in places, rusty in others, often a combination of the two.

Taste: The place tastes of untouched stone. A bit dusty, very very old. Somehow coming close enough to kiss a stone impresses it’s age upon me. This place tastes older than the oldest temple known to man.

Sound: Comparatively this place is noisy. Sound travels far here, and I can hear ducks quacking from the lake below, and other birds as well. Hawks, ravens, robins. Cars spin by on the highway, and even voices echo to find me here.

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About Pan

College, Writing, Magic, Role playing, Blade dancing, love. That's just about my life. It's a little more complicated inside but that's all you need to know. I'm 20. In ways I am older, in many I am younger. Sometimes I feel ageless. I'm studying mythology - I love patterns, and how practices have purposes. Feast days and fast days and how they aid digestion. Menstrual taboos, and patterns of labor. Stories and how they cater to different ways of learning - this for the little ones, this for the minds just beginning to awake. I love to listen, especially if you have something to teach. I do not like having my time wasted - but while often cold, I warm quickly. Come talk. We'll see if we can make something of it.

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