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Cacophony -  Noun. Harsh or discordant sounds. -The Merriam-Webster English Dictionary
Caricaturial -  Noun. A picture, description, etc., ludicrously exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of persons or things "The Animated Bestiary" Dictionary.com
Carnassials -  Noun, Adj. 1. (of teeth) adapted for shearing flesh. 2. a carnassial tooth, especially the last upper premolar or the first lower molar tooth of certain carnivores. ex: The carnassial teeth of raccoons are a physiological trait found among their family genus. ->as found in Raccoons: A Natural History
Chromatophore -  Noun. 1. (Zoology) A cell containing pigment, especially one that through contraction and expansion produces a temporary color, as in cuttlefishes. 2. (Botany) One of the colored plastids in plant cells. “The skin of an octopus is dotted with cells called chromatophores. Each chromatophore contains one of four pigments: yellow, red, brown, or black. The pigment is visible only when the chromatophore is contracted. An octopus is able to vary in color by contracting only certain chromatophores at any one time.” “Octopus" 22 April 2008. AnimalPlanet.com. <http://animals.howstuffworks.com/marine-life/octopus-info.htm> 14 May 2012 http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna/Spell_pron_key.html
Chuffing -  Verb. A noise made by tigers where short bursts of air are blown through the nostrils. Used in greeting and flirtation during rutting. Definition Source: Asia talk, Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium
Clandestine -  Adj. Characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment, especially for purposes of subversion or deception; private or surreptitious: Their clandestine meetings went undiscovered for two years. Sample sentence: It was the prize model, the clandestine design that, in the early Oligocene fifty million years ago, changed the hunt. Word Source: "Mountain Lion" Definition Source: Dictionary.com
Classical Narrative Structure -  Noun. The standard structural framework for a story. Divided into three main parts: Setup, Conflict, and Resolution.
Cockerel -  Noun. A young male domestic chicken. -Merriam-Webster English Dictionary
Colostrum -  Noun. The first secretion from the mammary glands after giving birth, rich in antibodies. "The fist milk (colostrum) is very healthful for newborn lambs." Definitions from Oxford Dictionaries Online Oxford Dictionaries. Web. 14 May 2012. <http://oxforddictionaries.com/>. Juergenson, Elwood M. Approved Practices in Sheep Production. Danville, Illinois: The Interstate, 1973. Print.
Concolor -  Adj. Of the same color; of uniform color. Sample Sentence: I squinted through the crossed understory shadows, looking for concolor. Word Source: "Mountain Lion" Definition Source: Dictionary.com
Contrivances -  Noun. Something contrived; a device, especially a mechanical one. "The Animated Bestiary" Source- Dictionary.com
Crest -  Noun. The head or top of something. Found while studying the description of my animal.
Critical Anthropomorphism -  Noun. The middle ground between classical anthropomorphism and ethology. Carefully used anthropomorphism. “In achieving this goal, such tools as introspection, reasoning by analogy, interpretive analysis and intuition should not be discarded simply because they are not currently in favor in certain scientific circles.” –Sanders and Arluke, pg. 67 in Speaking for Dogs. “Critical anthropomorphism was introduced as a way of using various sources of information, including ‘natural history, our perceptions, intuitions, feelings, careful behavior descriptions, identifying with the animal, optimization models, previous studies and so forth in order to generate ideas that my prove useful in gaining understanding and the ability to predict outcomes of planned (experimental) and unplanned interventions.”- Burghardt, pg. 10 in The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Animal Cognition. Encountered: "The Animals Reader"