Research: Shakers and Opium Week 4

This week I went to the public library downtown to renew my library card in preparation for a workshop with the reference librarians for my E4E class on Tuesday morning. I found several good books on flower gardening and layout, especially Stephanie Donaldson’s The Shaker Garden, though it looks like a coffee table book it is full of interesting tips on site planning, companion planting, and preserving flowers as well as making herbal remedies. I was surprised to learn that it is possible to dry peonies and that the Shakers cultivated opium poppies as an important medicinal crop.

The workshop with the timberland reference librarians was extremely useful, we were introduced to several databases and resources that are available free to library patrons. The last hour of the workshop was devoted to researching our markets, and learning to navigate through Proquest, Reference USA, and finding our NAIC business codes. (North American Industry Classification System)

The information available to the public on US consumers and lifestyles is extensive and sometimes uncomfortably personal, at times I felt voyeuristic reviewing information on local business people. The librarians suggested we check out the law library located on the capitol campus, it is very welcoming and quiet spot to study!







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