This has been a very busy week, I attended my first Enterprise for Equity class on Tuesday evening, which makes for a very long day in the classroom! The course is fast paced and there is a lot of information to absorb, I’m glad I have some familiarity with writing a business plan. Our instructor Joanne takes a no nonsense approach which helps raise the bar when defining goals or making projections. During our first session we focused on defining our strengths and weakness, building a plan with achievable steps, and the four phases of learning something new. Learning phases:
1. Unconscious Incompetence
2. Conscious Incompetence
3. Conscious Competence
4. Unconscious Competence
Joanne used the example of learning to drive a car, at the first level we imagine we can easily drive a car until we actually get behind the wheel and realize how much we don’t know and the skills lacking. Conscious competence is the phase of a newly licensed driver who is aware of every maneuver and action. Unconscious Competence is finally achieving to drive safely without thinking and plotting every action, this is where we feel immersed in our comfort zone. I am definitely in the conscious incompetence phase!