I continued to sort for another 52 hours but I would also take the occasional day off to pump over for that day. Pumping over is taking the juice from the bottom and putting it on the cap. Keeping the cap wet is good to avoid mold. It also helps the yeast. The way it was described to me is imagine that the tank is a city and the yeast live inside. They eat and poop all the time with no movement so they will eventually get sick. The pumping over is like cleaning it all up so that they yeast can remain happy with all the fresh juice. It is also used for temperature control. Some pumps are connected to glycol plates which let you cool the juice down so that it would remain cold and not start to ferment. This was called a cold soak, it’s used to get the flavor of the skins along with some other extractions. Then the temperature would then be increased when the fermentation was desired.

The yellow thing is the temperature plates and it is connected to an air pump. Glycol to cool down the wine and hot water to warm it up.

This is a flexible propeller pump getting cleaned. First it is ran through sodium percarbonate and then Sulfur Dioxide and Citric acid.