Public Comment:

 Kyle announced that there was going to be a meeting held for Ted-x presentations. He explained that Ted-x presentations are short inspirational videos on the internet and he wanted to bring a speaker to Evergreen. He wants student involvement to assisting him in completing this project.

Chris Perez from theHealthCentercame to the GSU to see where the GSU stands on banning smoke on campus. The GSU has decided that they are going to put it to a vote next week because of the time frame they were in. After the GSU has voted on their stance to promote banning smoke or to decide that designated smoking areas are okay on campus, the GSU will contact Chris.


Because of the abundance of openings for committees, it was suggested that we go to classes and make short announcements about openings. A group of GSU members (Amy, Kyle, Jessica, Andrew, Ryan, Mary-Lou and Kelli) are now a committee to see what they can do about going into classes. There were also suggestions of possibly having some committees that are here, also at theTacomacampus.

EF Program:

The EF program directors met with the GSU once after the last GSU meeting. At the meeting they talked about potentially having Evergreen students who are taking a language classes talking with EF students and EF students who are working on English talking to Evergreen students. This would be another way to integrate students and making them feel more comfortable with each other. There is a small workgroup working further to contact the EF program. (Jazmin, Joseph, Mary-Lou)

Credits for Masters Program:

Kentexpressed his concerns about the 1st year of the MiT program here at Evergreen. He explained how the first year of your program you don’t receive credit until the end of the year, if you have to leave for a year for any reason; you receive no credit and loose all you’re invested money. Willy, Tomas and Andrew are going to look further as to why and how to change that.


Willy announced that the committee position is now open for the WSA, as he is the intern now. He also explained how he would like support from not only the GSU, but from the school as they try to cut work study this year. He wants students to contact their legislators and express the need for work study. It was also announced that Evergreen is hosting WSA on Feb. 25th. The group working on the WSA is: Willy, Kyle, Andrew, Jazmin, Eli, Louis, Courtney, David and Tasha.

Aramark Contract:

Last quarter the Aramark contract issue was brought up to the GSU. The GSU wants to become involved but there already advisory boards designed for the exact thing.  The GSU wants to have a rep from the GSU to go to a meeting and have their voice be heard. David is going to contact Sharon Goodmin and see what the logistics are. The work group for the Aramark contract is: Chelsea, Andrew, Jazmin and Kyle.

Meeting Minutes:

Kyle motioned to approve the meeting minutes. Eli Seconds. Motion Passes.

Present: Louis, Mary-Lou, Chelsea, Tasha, Kyle, Kelli, Amy, Jazmin, Ryan, Courtney, Andrew, David,Wilbert,Kent, Nathan, Josh, Ken, Eli, Jessica

Absent: Joseph