Public Comment:

Justin McMahon proposed New Approach Washington. New Approach Washington is a non profit organization that is trying to legalize marijuana in Washington state. Marijuana would be treated like liquor, someone needs to be the age of 21 to buy and it would be taxed. Marijuana would still be illegal on a federal level but legal on a state level.

GSU members asked questions about how it would be controlled, taxed and distributed. Justin wants the GSU to take initiative on the petition to have Evergreen students participate in the petition. GSU members were unsure if they are allowed to take initiative on petitions, GSU will contact Justin when notified.

Attendance Issues:

Danielle Beagle and Jordan Conway still have not been to a GSU meeting. Kent emailed and called them both and no answer. GSU is preparing for recommendation for removal.


Benton and Kay were introduced as the new election commissioners. Next week they are going to be possibly trained. Kent is going to contact Anne about training new election commissioners. Melissa Thowson was also introduced as the new GSU office manager.

Committee Appointment Updates:

There have been 2 appointed candidates for the CLUC and Dean DTF. Because of the many openings for committees the GSU members are going to try to advertise more to get more students involved.  The CEC are coming in next meeting for the GSU to approve the student members they have appointed.


Wilbert made a motion to amend article 5 of the GSU constitution. Article 5 states “The 21 candidates receiving the most votes will be on the Geoduck Union Representatives. One representative seat is reserved for a student from the Tacoma campus and one seat is reserved for a student from the reservation-based campuses”. Wilbert wants to add 2 more reserved seats to the Tacoma campus. This would be included in the 21, not making 23 members. Members expressed to Wilbert that if there were 3 spaces reserved for the Tacoma students, it could result in fewer members on the union if less than three people from the Tacoma campus run.  Tacoma students also can run and have the equal opportunity that an Olympia student has, there is only 1 space reserved for the Tacoma students but 5 Tacoma students could be on the GSU. In the past there have not been enough students running from Tacoma to make members believe there is a need to reserve 2 more spaces. In the future if there is a need to add more reserved spaces members agreed that would be good idea. The motion was tabled until after elections.

Code of Conduct:

The members don’t know if anything has been modified on the code of conduct. Willy is going to contact admin and see if anything has changed.

Present:Wilbert Pina, , Kent Reister, Nate Schuur, Chelsea Brous, Andrew Nepstad, and Joseph Barresi

Absent: Mary Lou Boles (excused), Kelsey Melton (excused), Eli West (excused)