Public Comment:

Andrew Hunter came to the GSU to ask for their support. He is trying to work out issues having to do with class credit and aid money relating to independent contracts he did last spring. He had some complications with his contract due to an unrelated attack against him in Hollywood that he was forced to deal with.

The complications with his contract led to many more complications down the road including not getting a sufficient amount of credit, not being allowed to play soccer, and owing the school over 4,000 dollars before being able to register for classes again. He believes the school is not giving him the support he needs and asked for advice from the GSU. The GSU told him to meet with the provost along with a couple other people before approaching the Board of Trustees.

Attendance Issues:
Danielle and Jordan were absent again and still can’t be reached. Kent recommended for removal. Chelsea motioned for removal. Motion passed.
Mahmoud Mammad resigned as well. He said that he is still interested in finding a legislative intern and contact the appropriate faculty for next quarter.

Clean Energy Committee:
Adam (Coordinator of CEC) brought in their new members for approval from the GSU. The new members are Kyle (Outreach coordinator), Patrick (Outreach coordinator) and Emily (Secretary). Chelsea motioned to approve candidates. Willy seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Code of Conduct:
The Code of Conduct was revised by Arthur Costantino. The revoking of degree section of the code has been rewritten to provide more specificity and now reads: “The revocation of the admission to or the revocation of a degree from the college in those cases when egregious academic dishonesty is discovered, subsequent to a student’s graduation.” Also to have a degree revoked it has to be approved by the Board of Trustees because the Board grants the degrees.

Education First:
The GSU wishes to integrate with the EF students and become more of a community. The EF students are not considered Evergreen students and are paying to use Evergreen facilities. In the past there have been complaints that EF students aren’t supposed to talk to Evergreen students. The GSU wants to promote more interaction between the EF students and Evergreen students. Kelsey and Chelsea are going to look into ways to help change this.

Ballot Positions:
The GSU learned that they are allowed to take positions on a ballot but are not allowed to use state funds to support the ballot. Now the GSU must make a decision on whether to endorse “New Approach Washington” or not. Because this issue is so sensitive it’s a harder decision to make without all 21 GSU members present to fully represent the student body. It was suggested that the GSU take a poll of what students thought about the issue. But if the GSU members were voted onto the union then they are representing the students. That means the GSU members are making representative decisions for the students; they don’t need to take a poll. One issue, if the GSU were to endorse New Approach Washington, is how will they use the GSU’s name? The GSU wants to make the most relevant and educated decision for the students and because of this it was tabled.

Chelsea has agreed to create a survey that will be sent out in an email to promote awareness about the GSU.

Election Commissioners:
The election commissioners are meeting with Tom today to create the application to be on the ballot and start recruiting.

Moving ATM’s:
The GSU proposes putting the Bank of America ATM on the first floor and putting the Washington State Employees Credit Union ATM on the second floor because of the cost of the ATM’s. The Bank of America costs more to take money out than the Washington State Employees Credit Union. Members aren’t sure if they are allowed to switch them because Bank of America could be paying Evergreen to have their ATM there.

Present: Wilbert Pina, Mary Lou Boles, Eli West, Kent Reister, Nate Schuur, Chelsea Brous, Josh Barresi, Kelsey Melton, Andrew Nepstad