Public Comment:
Sasha from WashPRIG came to the GSU meeting this week to give an update of what they have been doing and to join forces. WashPRIG is working on a project to ban plastic bags in Thurston County to protect thePuget Sound. What the WashPRIG would like to do with the GSU specifically is to have a voter registration training to educate younger students on why they should be voting. She gave us her contact information for further information and action.
Alex Bryan from Students for a Democratic Society came into the GSU meeting today to ask for support for their former coordinator who was suspended in September. The student was suspended for asking a student who was accused of sexual assault, to leave SDS meeting because 20-30 students were voicing how they were uncomfortable with his presence. The student was suspended for disrupting a college event and the SDS feels that this was too harsh of a punishment. They are asking for the GSU to sign the open letting to TESC. For now the GSU has decided to not take part in the open letter.
Student against Sweat Shops is a group of students who are working to remove the appeal in the Greener Store that practice sweatshops to make their clothes. They are having a meeting with someone on Friday to discuss the possibility of having less sweatshop practiced items in the Greener Store. If the SASS still needs support, they will return to the GSU.
There will be one committee interview next week for the Diversity and Equity Standing Committee.
Kyle Conyers has resigned due to time restrains.
Andrew spoke with Paul Smith about the idea of having a mural covering up the graffiti around campus. Paul said there is a large possibility of this being a good idea and working well for the campus. The GSU has suggested many different ideas on how to go about delegating who paints the murals, the possibility of having students groups, programs or randomly chosen students. Next week GSU members will come back with a drafted idea of what they want to purpose to the GSU.
Sexual Misconduct:
There has been a lot of confusion about the Sexual Misconduct Code and Sexual Harassment Policy. There has been confusion about what it covers and the way it works. Next week a Tasha is inviting Phyllis Lane to come speak to the GSU about the specifics about the Sexual Misconduct Code. Ryan is also going to invite Women’s Recourse Center and Coalition Against Sexual Violence.
Attendance Policy:
Chelseawrote up a proposal and read it to the GSU about the new attendance policy. The policy reads:
“If a representative has 2 unexplained absences in a row, or 4 explained and/or unexplained absences total, a subcommittee of at least 3 members will be formed to address the issue. This committee will try to contact the absent representative and then make a recommendation to the GSU about what should be done.”
Chelseamotioned to pass attendance policy. Nate seconds. Motion passes.
Present: Nate, Louis, Ryan, Jessica, Josh, Chelsea, Kelli, Amy, Jazmin, Tasha, Jordan
Absent: Joseph, Kyle, David, Willy