
Absent: Anne, Jeff, Alexander, Nick, Emily

Chair: Andrew

Approve Minutes: Approved

Public Comments

  • Three students came to the GSU to express their concern with cops policing the Evergreen forest.

  • They patrol, roughly, 100 acres of the forest

  • Anon-campus police officer, Pavlenko is trying to criminalized students in the Evergreen forest, as reported by the three students.

  • There has been testimony’s by students where this policeman encourages students to give other student’s names who are involved in underage drinking and smoking.

  • He has told students whom he has written up for smoking weed, “What other school is going to accept you?”

  • These experiences are causing discomfort and a feeling of non-safety towards the Evergreen campus. Students have expressed the desire to leave on campus housing by spring quarter.

  • Blake Vincent, an Evergreen student has experience on-campus police follow him into the forest through F-lot.

  • They claimed that they’re patrolling the woods due to past SV cases that occurred at the Evergreen forest.

  • Student presenting to GSU speculated that the on-campus police are being trained to go undercover.”

  • Student presenting to GSU speculated that the on-campus police are being trained to go undercover.”

  • Miriam Padilla expressed interest in writing a Cooper Joint Journal article in regards to this situation.

  • Campus Affairs and Social Justice Cluster can work further on this matter.

  • The GSU will stay in contact with these students and draft a letter and file a civil rights grievance, and file a complaint. Other students who are dealing with a similar experience should do the same.

  • The GSU discussed an option to organize a closed door hearing.

  • Molly has expressed interest in leading this project.

A-Dorm Kitchen-Petal

  • There are not enough places to cook in the space.

  • Adding an island counter top could be helpful.

  • There are no soap/sponges to clean the kitchenware.

  • Student has also expressed interest in adding cabinet to store kitchen items.

  • The kitchen is now open for 24 hours.

  • Many students have expressed concern for the lack of an accountability system in the kitchen space.

  • Tyler Bieber is meeting with Kelly Lundy and they will discuss these issues. GO may start checking out kitchen equipment.


  • Andrew met up with Richard, S&A coordinator at Tacoma. Tacoma campus is not using all of their S&A funds. They discussed the idea of Tacoma and Olympia campuses can work together to support and create veteran’s and prison groups.

  • The GSU will be traveling to Tacoma on a Tuesday in winter term.

  • Today, the GSU will picked a tentative date

  • Tentative Date: February 10th, The GSU will leave campus around 3.

  • Tom may charter a school bus.

  • Talk to Linkon about any dietary needs (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, and etc.)

Budget Update-Tyler

  • The GSU still needs to organize their operational budget

  • There was confusion over what funding was left in the Election Commissioner Budget

  • Tom suggested to request $4,000 for GSU stipends

  • The GSU has enough to pay for this quarter

  • Tyler Bieber will have the official number for funds for hosting the WSA meeting by next Wednesday

  • Tyler Bieber asked the members of GSU to document number of people that tend to GSU events, and submit receipts to the budget manager shelf in the GSU office.

WashPIRG Referendum

  • Every 2 years, the Evergreen State student body votes on whether to keep the $8 per quarter student fee for WashPIRG.
  • The Referendum will occur during winter quarter
  • The GSU still needs to approve the date
  • There will be a board meeting on the 24th in CAB 301 regarding the budget breakdown of WashPIRG
  • Time of the event is unknown

Student Vote Legitimacy

  • There are tensions between the student body and board of trustees. There has been discussions that the board/administration are focused on gaining student’s money for project, but are not validating the student body voice and opinions on campus issues.
  • There has been a struggle with forming the disappearing task force around the geoduck name change.
  • Students need to put pressure on the administration