GSU meeting minutes from 09/26/2016 4:00 – 5:00
GSU members present: Chris Tufts, Asher Matthews, Waylon Robert, Kun Yin Chung, Dylan Macardican, Mike Espy, Aidan Ripley, Devin Moncada, Brandon Ellington, Adam Bartell.
Executive Director: Camille Closson.
Motion to add GSU approval of a Ben&Jerry’s truck on Red Square during the Activity Fair on 09/28.
- Motion approved.
- Subject will be brought up towards the end of the meeting.
Agenda Completed and Approved.
Chair Appointed.
Activity Fair
- From 12 to 3.
- Set up table next to other clubs that reps are a part of.
- Already have banner and gold box.
- Flyers with our info.
- Stacks of forms for voter registration available at the Secretary of State’s office downtown Olympia.
- GSU applications
- 7 GSU members available for tabling in between 12 and 3 at different intervals.
Bulletin Board
Motion to have bios and photos sent to the Executive Director by Wednesday of week 2.
- Motion approved.
- Wednesday meeting on week 2 in CAB 301.
Ice Cream Truck
- Free of charge to the college.
- Free ice cream distributed by Ben & Jerry’s.
- Incentive to register to vote but available to anybody.
- Red Square already reserved by Student Activities.
- Ben & Jerry’s will need to have a certificate of liability insurance.
- Has to be approved by Aramark.
- All GSU needs to do is approve it.
Motion to vote.
- Motion approved.
- Ice cream truck approved by GSU.
Motion to end the meeting.
Motion approved.
Meeting ended at 4:40 pm.
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