Started at 1:17
Representatives present: Aidan Ripley, Adam Bartell, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Naia Danko, Alexander Butler, Brandon Ellington, Chris Tufts, Mike Espy, Kun Yin Chung, Waylon Robert.
Executive Director: Camille Closson.
Asher Chair
Motion to add bus passes after public comments
Agenda approved
Minutes approved
Public comments:
Washpirg updated us on their democracy campaign, their work against the overuse of antibiotics for meat and poultry, and their project to save the bees against a strong pesticide. During voter registration, they registered 297 new voters registered.
Nancy Kopplemantalked to us about a possible Students’ Bill of Rights. Would it be meaningful to students? Can GSU help?
Bus passes: Waylon and Tom Mercado needed the GSU to endorse their project to sell discounted express bus passes and ticket booklets at the Olympia bookstore through the Spring as a trial period. They would be sold at a 20% discount.
Motion to endorse.
Check ins:
Dylan talked to us about the fact that Caterpillar and Sabra hummus are still on campus. Cartepillar is because we still have the contract and we will have to figure something out once the contract is over. Sabra hummus is being worked on with a Food System working group.
Camille talked about the election commissioner applications. She will schedule interviews for election commissioner next Wednesday during the second hour.
Alexander mentioned putting the Flaming Eggplant on this winter’s ballot concerning having them on Declining Balance and debit/credit cards.
Brandon told us that the GSU had not respected the bylaws when electing the Deputy Speaker. He also asked about past end of year reports and about being given examples of what treasurers have done before him.
Waylon told us that he was still working on getting stipends for students below the poverty line so their unpaid internship would still be some sort of income. He explained that his goal was to have it on the President’s Fundraising Plan.
Naia talk about an event next thursday in the HCC, bikes and brownies 6:30 – 7:30. Students can register their bike. Free event.
Motion to move committees to next week.
Camille asked the GSU to approve using some of the GSU’s budget in order to rent out a van to go down to Vancouver, WA, for the WSA’s Board of Directors meeting on 10/22. She will be taking 5 other students with her and the GSU decided to use WSAF funds for it since they have done it in the past for the same reasons.
Motion to approve van.
The GSU agreed to keep not having Monday meetings, only Wednesdays.
Lori Blewett asked the GSU if they would be willig to sponsor having Jill Stein come to Evergreen on October 24th. It should end up being under $500.
Motion to approve money allocation.
Naia, Aidan, Mike, and Camille on the planning group.
Greener Commons Post about ableism at Evergreen.
Motion that Dylan will email Wendy Endress, Vice President of Student Affairs about it.
Tom Mercado talked to the GSU about their attendance policy.
Motion to put the bylaws on the agenda for next week.
Motion to adjourn. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 2:48.
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