Representatives present: Alexander Butler, Brandon Ellington, Adam Bartell, Dylan Macardican, Levi Campbell, Charles Adkins, Mia Harvey, Asher Matthews, Devin Moncada, Jasmine Wong, John Gundayao, Waylon Robert, Mike Espy, Micah Nordgren, Jacques LeBlanc.
Executive Director: Camille Closson.
Advisor: Tom Mercado.
Meeting started at 1:15.
Motion to add a discussion about the future Executive Director after “S&A Board hiring”
Motion to add discussion about our current Elections Commissioner after “Legislative Poll”.
Motion to approve the Agenda.
Motion to approve the Minutes.
Public Comments:
Jacob Schroeter, from Wildland Studies, talked to the team about the Wildland Studies programs that take students abroad. Info Session at 4pm on 05/11 in Sem 2 C2107.
Tom talked to us about reaching out to students to be our second Elections Commissioner for week 8 and 9 of this quarter and thanked us for our work for the State Supreme Court Justices.
Arne Nelson asked us if we were going to have a public forum organized for students to meet GSU candidates for next year (we are).
Asher updated us on the formal complaint we received regarding Charles as our Director of Legislative Affairs and let us know that the person who had sent us the email has now retracted their comments and that the person who had signed the complaint giving their support has retracted their signature as well. Case closed.
Brandon updated us on his work changing the bylaws. Looking for more input.
Mia asked the team their opinion on how to get more diversity on the team.
Camille thanked WashPIRG for their work promoting the State Supreme Court Justices and let the team know that she would be gone week 7.
Alexander let us know the First Year Housing project was going well.
Charles updated us on his projects of making a ferry, train, and Orca cards more available to students. Federal Judge Robart will be coming to campus on May 31st at 2:30.
Student Forums
Motion to defer this bylaw proposal to the bylaws committee.
CEC and S&A Board hiring
Kayla Mahnke asked us for help hiring the next Clean Energy Committee members during week 8.
Asher, Devin, and Aidan volunteered.
Also need 2-3 reps to help hire the next S&A Board members.
Dylan, Adam, and Rebecca volunteered.
Executive Director hiring process:
Motion to have the entire team interview and hire the next Executive Director
Elections Banner vote:
Motion to vote on the three banner options separately.
Option 2 got picked.
Movie Night:
John and Mia: Week 9 event, Thursday June 2nd, helped by the Greeners Organization.
Need help the day of and would like to have the GSU sponsor it.
Motion to sponsor the event.
Legislative Poll:
Charles: Needs help coming up with more questions for his Legislative Poll.
Motion to let Charles be in charge of the poll.
Elections Commissioner:
Beth has been doing the work of three people for the past six weeks.
Motion to double Beth’s pay for Spring quarter
Motion to amend the main motion and wait until Tom can do more research on whether we can pay her more or not.
Main motion:
Meeting adjourned at 2:43.
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