The Geoduck Student Union

Student Government at The Evergreen State College

Category: Meeting Minutes (page 7 of 17)

Speaker’s Report for Fall quarter 2016.


Agenda for 01/25

1:15 – Meeting starts

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check-ins

1:45 – GSU fee

2:00 – Sanctuary campus

2:10 – Committees

2:20 – Lobby Day

2:45 – Tacoma visit

3:00 – Adjourn meeting

Meeting minutes from 01/18/17.

Meeting started at 1:15.

Representatives present:  Dylan Macardican, Jenny Whitfield, Mia Harvey, Jacques LeBlanc, Levi Campbell, Waylon Robert, Aidan Ripley, John Gundayao, Adam Bartell, Kun Yin Chung, Devin Moncada, Charles Adkins, Francisco Daza, Jasmine Wong, Micah Nordgren, Alexander Butler, Mike Espy.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.


Check ins:

Mac – read us two suggestions from tabling at the Activity Fair.  Talked to us about a walk-out on campus tomorrow at 10:45 on Red Square.

Camille – Meeting in between the officers and Wendy Endress on 01/20, also orientation for  new reps on Thursday 01/19 from 2 to 6 in CAB 301.

Mia – Working on getting funds through the GSU to help students go to a Diversity Summit.

Jacques – Working with Waylon to put up flyers for the internships’ fund.  Encouraging seniors to put money from their senior gift towards the internships’ fund.

Waylon – Meeting with Javier Womeldorff at 1:45 to talk about the unpaid internship fund.

Charles – Meeting with representatives about loan forgiveness bills and international finance tax exemption act that would allow money to be put towards the State Need Grant.  Making progress.

Devin – United Faculty of Evergreen and hundreds of TESC students are working on a petition to take to the Board of Trustees in order to make Evergreen a sanctuary campus.


Motion to approve the Agenda.



Motion to approve Minutes.



Beth, election commissioner:

Radio PSAs:

Promotional tool, through KAOS, get to know the GSU and what we do.  Waiting for more details for logistics.

Art Banner Contest for elections:

Submit designs digitally.  Estimated cost of $2.50 per square foot of banner.  Maybe a prize as well for the winner.  The team will have to think about verbiage.


Naming and Memorials Committee:

Waylon signed up for it.

Mia trying to create a subcommittee for the TQC’s working group.


Motion to adjourn

Meeting adjourned at 2:00.

Agenda for 01/18 meeting.

The student union will be meeting by the activity fair in LIB 2205 instead of CAB 301!

1:15 – Start meeting
1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes
1:25 – Public Comments
1:35 – Check ins
1:50 – Art Banner and Radio PSAs
2:00 – Naming and Memorials Committee.
2:10 – Stipends for new reps
3:00 – Adjourn meeting.

Minutes from 01/11/17 meeting.

GSU minutes for 01/11/2017 meeting

Representatives: Asher Matthews, Dylan Macardican, Adam Bartell, Mike Espy, Charles Adkins, Waylon Robert, Aidan Ripley, Levi Campbell, Kun Yin Chung, John Gundayao, Rebecca Canright, Mia Harvey, Devin Moncada,  Francisco Daza, Jasmine Wong, Micah Nordgren, Jacques LeBlanc, Jonathan Leggette, Jenny Whitfield, Alexander Butler.  Brandon Ellington, Robert Tacker and Naia Danko on the phone.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Meeting started at 1:14.

Motion to approve the Agenda.


Motion to approve the Minutes.


Public Comments:

WashPIRG – Updated us on their projects and campaigns.  Democracy campaign.  Automatic voter registration.  Getting to know elected officials.  KFC.  Solar Campus.  Voter Friendly.  Reaffirmation vote Week 8 and 9 of this quarter.

Tom – Former coordinator of the Flaming Eggplant left.  Looking for new person for early March.  + New advisor joining Student Activities next week.


Naia – Will be calling in all quarter.  Water fountain station to fill up bottles with filtered water on upper campus.  Talked to CEC – will fund it.  Same kind of fountain as A dorm.  One station at a time.

Camille – Asked the new reps for preferred emails and told them about her office hours.

Waylon – Bus passes, received promotional material.  Will start promoting next week.  Unpaid internships – Meetings with administration still happening and meeting for promotion through the Cooper Point Journal hopefully next week.  Trying to see if Seniors graduating in June could put money from their Senior Gift towards the internship fund.

Mac – Need a new GSU certified driver for TESC van.  Shout out to new reps in order to be part of the closed Facebook page.

Mia – Trans & Queer Center on Tuesday is having a training: “tools for advocacy” at 12:30 – 2.  Organizing more fun GSU events?  Karaoke night?  Work on more public involvement.

Introductions from new and returning reps.

Orientation for new reps: Date and time?

Art banner and radio PSAs postponed to next meeting.

WSA meeting at TESC on 01/28 from 10 to around 3.  In Board of Trustees room (library building).

Meeting next wednesday during activity fair?

Room 2205 in Library building?

Hand-held vote.

Meeting approved.

Discussion about attendance for new reps.

Charles’ check-in for Legislative Session.

Explanation of his role and title as Director of Legislative Affairs.

If any student is interested in putting something on the TESC legislative Agenda, they can let him or any rep know.

Motion to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned at 2:19.

Agenda for 01/11/17 meeting.

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check-ins

1:45 – Introductions

1:55 – Orientation

2:15 – Art Banner and Radio PSA project

2:35 – WSA meeting at TESC

2:45 – Activity Fair

3:00 – Adjourn meeting

Minutes from 12/07/16 meeting.

Started at 1:15

Representatives: Aidan Ripley, Devin Moncada, Mike Espy, Adam Bartell, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Alexander Butler, Naia Danko, Brandon Ellington, Kun Yin Chung, Waylon Robert.

DLA: Charles Adkins

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Motion to approve Agenda


Motion to approve Minutes


Public Comments

A newly elected Tacoma rep mentioned they will be taking a leave of absence until Spring Quarter.

Recognition of Beth and Sam, election commissioners, for their hard work and amazing work this quarter.


Chris Tufts officially resigned.

Charles’ committee member is transferring from political analyst to an additional, voluntary, member, getting no credit.

Brandon asked us what we would like to do with money from the budget.

Naia just found out that she was accepted for an internship in L.A for Winter quarter but would still like to call in.

Alexander told us a designer (Mahlum) was chosen for the RAD masterplan but students did not feel comfortable about them.  Students will go to the Board of Trustees meeting in January to voice their disapproval.  Also talked about the all gendered bathrooms in Sem II and his meeting with John Hurley.  

Waylon updated us on the endowments for students who cannot afford to do unpaid internships.

Election results

Motion to approve election results.


Personal projects for current reps.

Waylon + Asher: Endowments.

Mac: Tabling all through Winter to promote GSU + Get a GSU specific fee added to the tuition fees.

Adam and Mike do not have GSU projects yet.

Devin: Continue working on bylaws subcommittee + refers legislative things to Charles.

Aidan:  Bylaws committee.

Kun Yin Chung: Moss on Sem II.

Brandon: Budget.  Work on GSU’s structure.  Bylaws committee.

Waylon:  Bus passes promotion + endowments.

Tom Mercado: Monday-Tuesday early May for State Supreme Court.

1st Day: go to classes, campus tours, panel conversation.

2nd Day: 3 hearings, two in morning, one in afternoon.  No decision will be made during the hearings.

Potential locations but no green light until January.

Naia: Water bottle filling station around campus.

Alexander: All-gendered bathrooms.

Bylaws subcommittee.

Can’t be bigger than quorum.  Will revive it in the Winter with the new additions to the team.

Ideas for new reps orientation.

Elissa/Guillermo from WSA come over for robert’s rules of order workshop?

Pronouns/LGBT+ training?

Outreach training?

Motion to adjourn.


Ended at 2:04.

Agenda for 12/07/2016.

1:15 – Start meeting.

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:30 – Check-ins

1:40 – Election results

1:45 – Round-Robin for projects

2:00 – Bylaws subcommittee

2:15 – Ideas for new reps orientation

3:00 – Adjourn meeting.

Official Statement from the GSU regarding the national elections.

Official Statement from The Evergreen State College Geoduck Student Union.

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

As we are all aware of the outcome of the election, we need to take this time to remember the importance of standing together as a community. Now more than ever, we need to stand strong and remember how diverse our community here is and that each person has their own views and opinions on how this election went.

As your representatives, we, The Geoduck Student Union, want you to know that we will continue to be by your side, protect your rights, and be available to you if anything comes up in the future.

As a nonpartisan group, we respect the decision that the people of this nation have made and will continue to work in the best interest of the student body of The Evergreen State College. As it happens every four years, the change of the President and their administration might create changes that will affect students across the country. We will make sure that said changes will still enable you to thrive in your studies and allow you to be safe on your campuses.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.


The Geoduck Student Union – (360) 867-6555 – – CAB 329 in Student Activities
Feel free to join us during our public meetings on Wednesdays from 1:15 – 3 in CAB 301.
Everybody is welcome!

Resources also available to you are:
– Crisis Clinic Resource Network and Hotline, 24 Line: 360-586-2800 or
– Department of Police Services, Seminar Building, Room 2150, Phone: (360) 867-6832, Emergency: (360) 867-6140 or 911,
– City of Olympia, Report a Crime or Get Officer Assistance (24 Hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year), Emergency: 9-1-1, Non-emergency: 360.704.2740.

Fall 2016 elections results.

The results are in!! Congratulations to everybody that made it on the team for next quarter! You are invited to our meeting this Wednesday to get to know the team before we get started again in January.

Harvey, Mia 268 votes

Adkins, Charles 262 votes

Gundayao, John 250 votes

Leggette, Jonathan 239 votes

Whitfield, Jenny-Rebecca 230 votes

Daza, Francisco 221 votes

Canright, Rebecca 219 votes

Wong, Jasmine-Cleo 199 votes

Raine, Olivia 195 votes

Campbell, Levi 190 votes

LeBlanc, Jacques 188 votes

Nordgren, Micah 183 votes

Tacker, Robert 179 votes

Williams, Merrill 163 votes

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