The Geoduck Student Union

Student Government at The Evergreen State College

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Meeting Minutes 01.14.2015

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Meeting Minutes 01.04.2015

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Meeting Minutes 01/07/2015

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Meeting Minutes 12/17/2014

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GSU Meeting 12/03/2014

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Student Voices Forum: Sexual Violence Policy at Evergreen

Do you have an opinion you’re dying to express about sexual violence policy on campus? Confused about the process of reporting an instance of harassment? Want to become a part of the national conversation about reforming SV Policy on college campuses? Come by next Wednesday for some tea and conversation.

Know Your Rights Workshop!

Are you nervous now about going to fundraisers and house parties? 

When do you have the right to record police officers with media? 
When are you required to produce ID? 
What are your rights when a police officer asks to search you or your property?
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GSU Tentative Agenda for 11/19/2014

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Meeting Minutes 11/5/2014

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First-Year Representative Application Deadline

Hey First-Year Students!

All GSU first-year student representative applications are due today at 5:00 PM! You can submit them at S&A in the CAB, or email them at 

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