2010-March-8 presentation notes

* learning from stupid mistakes

* LOTS of mistakes = LOTS of time wasted.

* also LOTS of learning

* wasn’t taking JavaScript seriously

* I need to do more high-level design

source code, base_set.js:

* base_set.js
*This is to represent a base set for Diamond faceted search.
*It represents a set of solar events that can be described by a HEK API URL.
*coded by Ian Ruotsala
*I use Yahoo's YUI library to parse the JSON into JavaScript Object.
*copyright info for YUI here: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html
*tl;dr: it's a BSD copyleft sorta thing
*--Ian Ruotsala, Mar. 8, 2010

/*should be able to:
* report various details about the set it reps,
* e.g. count of various events. BUT, what if
* base_set doesn't do much besides hold info,
* and the root set, or super set or whatever
* does most of the work??? Yeah, I think that's
* a better idea, will put that burden on super
* sets and root sets
*--ICR, Feb. 15, 2010

/*well, damn, that means base_set is actually
* very nearly done, just need to check if >200
* events returned
* --ICR, Feb. 15, 2010

* base_set.js finally working like I want it,
* --ICR, Mar. 5, 2010

function base_set(url){

//should I also have an assemble_url???
//no, I'd save that for the root_set --ICR, Feb. 15, 2010

//what if url described over 200 events???
/*probably should just make super set by
* dividing set into two, then ANDing
* them into super set
* --ICR, Feb. 15, 2010
this.url = url;
//I also need to store the JSON
var jsonDoc;

this.update_set = update_set;
this.set_url = set_url;

function update_set(){
//send present url to query, update the stored JSON
var httpQuery = new XMLHttpRequest();
var returnString = httpQuery.responseText;

var returnObj = YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(returnString);


this.jsonDoc = returnObj;

//return true if >= 200 events returned
if (returnObj.result.length >= 200){
return true;

return false;

function set_url(url_string){
this.url = url_string;

function test(){

*outputs: "foo test_urlbarhekbazstringobjectfoo1objectobject97bar1"

test_bs = new base_set("test_url");

//test to see how many events are gotten
//i.e. how many items in jsonDoc.result?


About ruoian27

Computer science student, taking Student Originated Software presently
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One Response to 2010-March-8 presentation notes

  1. nelkar02 says:

    Good one.

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