Author Archives: ruoian27

About ruoian27

Computer science student, taking Student Originated Software presently

revised faceted search outline/sketch

faceted search outline, read alt text for description. I will add details to this post later.

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revised high level plan

Here is a very high-level plan for my schedule for my new try at the faceted search. More fine-grained plan to come. Week 2, 3, 4: “backend” functionality programming Week 5, 6, 7: “frontend” GUI programming Week 8, 9, 10, … Continue reading

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Plan b++

I am still working on the faceted search system. However, I realized a completely different way to implement it. tl;dr it was a plan made by another developer for LMSAL that I initially didn’t understand but now do. Good part: … Continue reading

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2010-March-8 presentation notes

* learning from stupid mistakes * LOTS of mistakes = LOTS of time wasted. * also LOTS of learning * wasn’t taking JavaScript seriously * I need to do more high-level design source code, base_set.js: /* * base_set.js *This is … Continue reading

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week 9 update

I made the mistake early in this project of not taking JavaScript seriously. As if it weren’t actually a programming language. I have suffered from this mistake. I am learning more and more about this language (and web programming in … Continue reading

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revised schedule

Week 8 Backend: finish work on base_set.js Week 9 Backend: begin work on root_set.js Week 10 Backend: finish work on root_set.js Week 11 reflection, plan for spring quarter Spring Break Spring Quarter Week 1 Backend: begin work on super_set Week … Continue reading

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2010-Feb-16 presentation notes

*project rebooted *JS learning curve not as shallow as I thought *haven’t been able to be as squared-away as I would prefer *faceted search now only objective *still drawing out new plan -root_set.js: will hold the description of the current … Continue reading

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GTD, again

So, the last two days I’ve successfully and happily gotten back on track with the faceted search thing. I’m coming along swimmingly, hope to continue this trend for the rest of the project. Think, especially, JavaScript/web programming has a bit … Continue reading

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week 5 update

I just realized a stupid mistake I had been commiting up to now: I had been attempting to use XMLHttpRequest to try to get the JSON docs off the LMSAL server. I totally missed this one fine point: “For security … Continue reading

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week 4 update

Sluggish week, accomplished very little. Feel like I need to reboot this entire quarter. status: BEHIND SCHEDULE, 1 WEEK

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