If you can read my notes at all, they’re actually pretty handy!
Author Archives: Mike Elliott
Self Evaluation
I’ve attached a document of my self evaluation here. selfevalfinal
Research topic videos and articles
There is a lot of interesting information about the MIDI sprout and I thought I’d share
Second studio session
This was my second studio session. I set up my friend John with the twin verb fender amp for his polysynth, micd with a fathead and sm 57. We went directly into the rooms instrument in with the SH-101, a monosynth primarily being used for bass. I hopped on the drums and we recorded some improv. The drums had a near coincidental pair of ts-1s as overheads, sm57 on the snare, and the AKG D112 inside of the kick. I’ve provided a short sample of the recording session, after some mixing and editing.
Final mix
This is our final mix. I made a few minor changes since we played it in class to try and compensate for some of the constructive criticism we received. Final Mix!
Week 6 Mix
This is our week 6 mix. We weren’t extremely confident in what we’d be doing with this one, but I think it turned out okay except for the unintentional instrument drop outs.
Drop in track
This is mine and Dylan’s drop in track. We went for a slightly more daring approach in which we attempted to imitate Ringo’s drumming on a Beatles tune that had no drums.
I doubt we’ll be fooling anyone, but it was still a comical and entertaining project. Ringo
Soundcloud test
Studio Understanding
I am now comfortable with the general layout of the board and my ability to perform basic functions for a recording sessions. I am very anxious for solo studio time! ¥¥¥
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