Author Archives: Sazinator

Binaural Beats and The Brain

Class Handout

That is the PDF you can download

Ubrain is the app I talked about

Along with I-doser, Holosync, LifeSync are some program things you can look into.

More of my research sites:

Huang-PsychologicalEffectsBrainwaveEntrainment Another PDF

My presentation in paper form:

At this moment you are listening to my voice.  Whether this is a pleasant experience or not is up for interpretation but technically you are brain is attempting to comprehend what I am saying.  As this is happening the electrical impulses from each neuron are firing at different amplitudes between each cell and giving off a frequency in electromagnetic waves measured in Hertz.  At this moment your brain is exhibiting beta activity measured between 12 to 29.75 Hz.  Beta is a state what we experience in normal waking consciousness as we rush around, go to class, fear about what we will make for dinner, feel excited about when this presentation will end and you get to see who commented on your facebook post, and again fear how your project may compare to the others shown and so on and so forth for most of your waking hours.  You brain is exudes beta waves and it is a normal state of beginning.  As you begin to focus more on my voice and what I am saying, maybe blocking those things from your mind you begin to move into alpha which is between 7.5 to 11.75 Hz.  The Alpha state is associated with hyper learning and focus.  When other thought begin to clear out of your mind and you are not concerned as much with the opinions of life, just the task at hand.  Within the realm of meditation this is the beginning of introspection, getting lost in good music, and as far as most people get when they sit down and try to meditate.  There is a feeling of peace and happiness. Tonight when you go to sleep you will experience these sensations whether you are conscious of them or not.  As you nod off you move from beta, your high alert self to high alpha between 10 to 11.75 hz you may notice your thoughts begin to subside and the bed, or floor depending on your situation, feels softer as your body begins to melt deeper your brain state changes to low alpha 7.5 to 9.25Hz and you experience the sensation of deep relaxation.  Once you are completely relaxed Theta most noted for rapid eye movement sleep and luicid dreaming, unfolds physiologically from your brain which is between 3.5 to 6.75 Hz and then lastly you fall into Delta which is mostly associated with dreamless deep sleep and goes as low as .5 hz and as high at 3hz.  When you wake up your brain moves through those states until you are again in beta, and as we know some individuals move into this faster than others.

As I said delta is mainly known for being part of deep dreamless sleep, but scientists have shown that as a whole we are in beta and delta silmultaniously all day throughout our waking consciousness.  Now you may be thinking but delta is dreamless sleep how can I be exstremey alert and exstremely sound asleep?  The autonomic nervous system works out of delta brain wave patterns.  The meirical of how your heart pumps blood, your mouth salivates so you don’t walk around with cotton mouth, your lung breath and process oxygen, your cells communicated and neurons firing are all run by delta while we attempt to manage our lives in Beta.

This is where sound technology comes in.  When a person lives in Beta and Delta they are easily bothered.  Lights, sounds, partners, relationships, work, school, their own mind.  EEG scans have shown that those who meditate and have high IQs operate not mainly from beta and delta but from alpha, theta, and delta.  With alpha comes intuitive knowing, deep alpha has almost dreamlike states, focus without stress, they see the outcome rather than getting caught up in the drama of the details.  Most people who are visionaries and inventors are working out of high theta, which is conscious while in theta.  Hallucinations are also a part of this state.  And for centuries humans have been inducing these trances by use of sound.

Back in the good old days when everything was organic and it was a human belief that if you did not do a dance in the morning the sun would not rise steady drum beats were used to create a binaural and mononaural tone effect.  Binaural tones are when two tones, come into each ear separately and your mind finds the difference mathematically between those two frequencies through what some refer to as tunneling or the entrain effect.  For example if you have 400Hz going into one ear and 420Hz going into the other ear your brain will interpret the frequency as 20Hz which is high beta and follow that.  Monaural tones are the volume of the combined binaural tones.  Now adays this principle is used with sin waves without the harmonic series you would get from a drum.  This allows for pinpointed effects on one’s state of consciousness.  You may have heard of Isochronic tones which can be the same or different tones which are just turned on and off at different intervals.  So you can have a binaural beat but it only is used once every minute for 2 seconds.  Which was done in a study in China.

The technology of these tones is used in alternative medicine to treat anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders.  The technology used to treat these conditions are usually just conditionally based, so if you are having a hard time sleeping for a night you listen to .5 to 10 hz on an app and it can aid in sleeping.  There are other companies and doctors out there though which have made long term programs to change the state you live in over time.  Which are usually in the form of meditations.  These meditations use specific frequencies in those states of beta, alpha, theta, and delta which their neuroscientists have done research with to change your state from beta and delta awareness to alpha, theta, delta awareness which comes naturally through years of meditation.

Every individual’s brain is made up of many of the same components but is folded in a different way to store information, called cortical folding.  Studies have found that this creates different electrical emanations of these frequencies for each individual.  But like most things in science there is another story.  A study done in china at the Zhengzhou University with 64 participants male and female found that when people are given the same binaural beats through headphones while in the same room all experience changes the same way reading the same results through EEG scanners.  I have not yet found case study results that don’t show the same things happening in groups.  But when it comes to insidviduals we all respond to different stimulation. So the individual may not respond to the particular frequencies of tones but if they are put in a group the research seems to show that they will have effects of those same tones as everyone else is. There are hundreds of great programs out there for changing your life through auditory therapy.  And though there are many studies that show these work for people and don’t work for people.  There always seems to be a form out there once tried with a combination on the frequency spectrums that ends up changing the way of consciously being for the individual.

Scientists have been studying binaural beats more vigerously since the 1960s and have found that the beats themselves do not change the physiology of the individual but the states the beat put the individual in do.  In 1992 research at Alberta University found that using binaural beats decreased pain in the subjects over a short period of scheduled daily listening.  In a metro – Dade police department study they found decreased stress and negative responses in police officers alsong with decreased heart rate and muscle tension post listening.

The main thing about binaural beats though is that you can’t just listen to them while going about your day and expect your brain to hover in theta and delta while listening to sine waves.  You must be sitting or lay down and relaxed not reading or doing other things, even though you do not have to focus your attention on tones another study in china and the U.S. found that those who are musically inclined or fluently speak tonal languages get faster results from binaural therapy.  And because they are using sine waves you must use sterio headphones this is kind of the set back of not having a harmonic series of a drum.  The thing about drumming and using other instruments though is that it’s more of a free for all with the exact states one can go into.

Many of the most popular binaural “therapies” are for “drug induced” states.  These states are not actually a drug high though many do mimic it.  They are just frequencies that bring you into different states of gamma, beta, alpha, theta, and delta at different times throughout the song in a similar way your brain would if it were trying to get the drug chemical out of your nervous system, which one place where the highs come from.

Now gamma I have not mentioned yet it is 30-45Hz and is a very high frequency tone that the two hemispheres of your brain create.  Many monks and long time mediators have been found to exude this during compassion and love meditations but also many people with extreme anxiety disorders also have been found to be in this state.  Because of the wiring of the mediators from years of training they can have a different experience with the gamma waves then those who are afraid of life.

One of the many binaural meditations out there and one that I use is called holosync made by Bill Harris.  He uses Binaural tones to keep the client in theta or delta which over time brings one’s conscious awareness into a more steady alpha, theta, delta state.  This allows for the patient to permanently not become so bothered with the outside world deeper in every stage of the program.  So there are more moments where instead of frantically looking for my keys I stop, go into alpha, and allow my memory in to find them instead.  They found that the tones work for four months and the people show a lot of growth during that time but then the meditation turns into more of just pleasant sounds.  So by lowering the carrier frequency, which changes the intensity of the signal without changing the amplitude and phase, along with changes along the spectrum one continues to experience growth every four to twelve months on that same change in carrier frequency until they don’t feel changes anymore and change it again.

Sound is pretty cool.  So when you are feelin blue and can’t seem to find your way in the world, think about what a state of beta or even gamma you are in and put on your headphones and find some tones that fit for you.

Recording Renae

Recording Session  -photos

Vox: TS-2 and Fathead.  Room: TS-1

Guitar: Low:TS-1, Middle:Fathead, High: EV

TS-1 EQ:

boost 400 at 2dB

boost 4k at 4dB

cut 20k at 12dB


boost 400 at 2dB

boost 5k at 4dB

cut 20k at 6dB

Piano: Senheiser, TS-1 over the holes.  Room: Fathead.


Track 1

Take 1: 1:39

Take 2: 3:26-3:30


Take 3:

6:40-43 buzz



8:56-9:02 flat note

9:27 flat pluck

Take 5:

3:58 buzz

5:10 high string

5:51- hick up

6:07- flat

Take six best so far


Track 1

14min- clipping

13:40- gets loud


Take 4 piano



