Interns Needed for a Juvenile Salmon/Fish Community

Study in Gray Harbor

The Wild Fish Conservancy is seeking interns to assist in an assessment of habitat use by the fish community (particularly juvenile salmon) in the tidally-influenced areas of the Chehalis River estuary (Grays Harbor) and tributaries. The sampling effort will use fyke trapping and beach seining to capture, identify, measure, and release juvenile salmon from March to September, 2011. Habitat assessments will also be made to identify areas for future habitat restoration projects to aid in salmon recovery in the Chehalis Basin. Volunteers need to be in good physical condition (adequate for hauling seine nets and traveling across mud flats), be comfortable working from small boats, and be willing to work in adverse weather conditions. The effort will provide experience in field techniques, fish identification, data collection and habitat assessment. Group lodging will be available in the Grays Harbor area.

If interested, please contact Todd Sandell ( and provide a contact phone number. We look forward to hearing from you!