Each expedition needs 6-8 volunteers. Help monitor birds in western Ecuador.

19 Jun – 2 Jul 2011 – Reserva Las Tangaras. Meets in Quito.

7-20 Aug 2011 – Mashpi Reserve. Meets in Quito.

10-23 Dec 2011 – Loma Alta Ecological Reserve. Meets in Guayaquil.

Experience with mist-netting and banding is desirable, but not required. Wetrain and the experience is a good stepping stone to paid positions. Volunteers help with mist-netting and banding of birds to advance knowledge about cloud forest avian communities and species tolerances for deforestation and grazing. Your contribution of $1500 to the non-profit conservation organization Life Net is tax deductible and is used to sustain the reserves and local conservation programs, while covering your transportation in Ecuador, meals, & lodging during the bird monitoring program. (Students may receive a discount of 20%).

Visit the Volunteer page of (URL: http://www.lifenetnature.org) and complete the application form. Send application form and cover letter to DUSTI BECKER (EM:dbecker AT lifenetnature.org)