Seasonal volunteer needed for 2 month (April 16 – June 15), 40 hour/week position to perform various avian monitoring and inventories on Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (MNWR), to act as an on-the-ground birding docent for visitors, to engage volunteers in monitoring projects where appropriate, and to foster relationships with the local community, as well as statewide groups, including but not limited to visiting Audubon chapter groups.

* Audubon Society of Portland (ASoP) will provide a per diem to cover living expenses not to exceed $2,000 for 2 months (works out to be about $44/day for 45 days of work from April 16, 2012-June 15, 2012)
* MNWR will provide lodging and office space at HQ
* MNWR will provide a refuge vehicle for monitoring and logistical support activities
* MNWR will provide vehicle fuel for associated work and logistical support activities

Full internship description and application instructions available at: