See Below


The Planning internship program offers competitive internships, which are generally unpaid.  The internships provide opportunities for:

  • earning academic credits,
  • working on thesis projects and
  • skill and resume building.

The City of Eugene Planning Division is comprised of the following
work groups:

Within these work groups, interns have been involved in, and integral to the success of, a variety of planning related responsibilities and projects, such as

  • Development of design standards
  • Geographical information systems (GIS)
  • Land use application processing
  • Land use code updates
  • Natural resources
  • The historic preservation program
  • Urban form illustrations
  • Urban growth boundary establishment
    (Envision Eugene)
  • Web development and design
  • Public outreach and participation
Current Openings  
Available internship positions are typically posted one to two months prior to the beginning of quarterly school terms; however, they may also become available in the interim.  
How to Apply
To apply for an open internship position, or to be a part of our applicant pool, please submit the following via email:

Application materials should be submitted as outlined in the internship position announcement.  When there are no openings posted, application materials can be submitted to Heather O’Donnell. Please submit all materials electronically.