See Below

POSS is looking for an intern to market and expand our Community Supported Fisheries (CSF) program. We received a USDA grant to promote and expand CSF’s into Portland, Ashland and Grants Pass. Also, I am aware of the other funding opportunities and the ‘hotness’ of direct marketing for fisheries. Maybe you have a professor or student in mind?

Ideally, we are looking for someone with food system experience – working with both producers and consumers, fisheries, marketing/advertising and social media experience. We are partnering with Ecotrust and many other CSA producers for this program.

Ideally, we would like the person to start January 1st – which could be a remote position until April. Intern would ideally reside in PO from April to November 2013 at minimum.

Stephanie Webb
POSS. Port Orford Sustainable Seafood, Seafood Distribution Specialist
POORT. Port Orford Ocean Resource Team, Marine Planning Project Coordinator
Recipient of NOAA’s ‘Award of Excellence‘ for ‘NGO of the Year
w. 541-332-0627