See Below

R/V Thompson at the University of Washington and the R/V Kilo Moana at the University of Hawaii

This winter/summer (early January – June 2014), the MATE Center and the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) fleet will sponsor one marine technical internship onboard two research vessels: R/V Thompson and R/V Kilo Moana (

Interns will work with marine technicians on shore and at sea, learning how to operate and maintain a variety of scientific and navigational equipment in support of shipboard scientific research. The internship will begin in Apia, Western Samoa, on the R/V Thompson.  The exact schedule through June will be determined before the acceptance date, but will involve work on the R/V Thompson and the R/V Kilo Moana.  Internship projects will be dependent on the funded science but previous interns have worked on projects ranging from chemical oceanography, marine biology, GIS/bathymetric surveys (seafloor mapping), geological studies, work with ROVs and much more! The position will last 6 months, and students will receive a stipend of $500 per week, reimbursement for travel expenses, and on station housing while ashore.

For more information about marine technician careers, please visit:

If you are interested, please apply today!  If you have friends or students who might be interested—please send this on to them. Flyers are available by contacting Erica Moulton, MATE’s Internship Logistics Coordinator, at Closing Date: December 2, 2013