Registration is now open for our next workshop at Rancho Mastatal, Costa Rican workshops hosts for the last 14 years.


This workshop typically ends up with a waiting list — register early to hold your spot!



Solar Electricity for the Developing World

March 21-29, 2015

$1,285, includes program, all meals, dorm lodging, and in-country transportation


Learn how to design and install small solar-electric systems to provide lights and cell-phone charging for poor rural people — by doing it! Classroom sessions and labs support real-world installations in the field.


Rancho Mastatal <> provides us with food, lodging, and support — but also a great example of a variety of sustainability endeavors, including natural building, agriculture, energy technologies, and community involvement. It’s located adjacent to La Cangreja National Park, and the warm tropical environment  — with swimming holes and waterfalls — is a welcome break from the northern winter.








Questions? Drop me an e-mail.


I hope you can join us.



