Postdoc/Graduate Student Opportunity


Computational modeling of spatial and temporal dynamics of responsive governance in aquatic systems


PIs: Kathy Cottingham, Mark Borsuk, and D.G. Webster


Faculty in the Ecology, Evolution, Ecosystems, and Society (EEES) Program at Dartmouth College are seeking applications for a graduate student or postdoctoral researcher with interest in spatially-explicit computational modeling of dynamic social-ecological systems. Led by an interdisciplinary team of researchers, this project will examine emergent properties associated with human responses to contaminants in aquatic ecosystems. The work explores the ways in which individual-level risk perception is aggregated through social, economic, and political systems in iterative cycles of response to changes in the natural system. Models will be structured around actual problems, such as harmful algal blooms. Our primary goal is to better understand why response is delayed in different contexts and to identify institutional design mechanisms that could speed up response.


The successful applicant for this position will have a background in quantitative social science or coupled human and natural systems (Master’s degree preferred). The position requires familiarity with GIS software and/or experience coding in Python, Java, or another object-oriented language. Demonstrated knowledge of agent based modeling and/or network analysis would also be a plus. Post-doctoral applicants send CV and letter of interest to Graduate-level applicants would be expected to enroll in the Sustainability, Ecosystems, and Environment Track of the EEES program ( Please direct any questions to Dr. Webster


D.G. Webster
Associate Professor
Environmental Studies Program
Dartmouth College
6182 Steele Hall
Hanover, NH 03755
phone: 603-646-0213

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