Dear Energy, Environmental and Sustainability Educator


The Council of Energy Research and Education Leaders (CEREL), invites you to join us today for the next webinar in our Energy Education series:


“Energy and Sustainability Education: Improving the Politics and Public Policy Discourse”


Monday December 7, 2015, 3 p.m. EST


  • Walter A. Rosenbaum, Director Emeritus, Bob Graham Center for Public Service, University of Florida
  • Elisabeth A. Graffy, Professor of Practice, Consortium for Science, Politics and Outcomes, Arizona State University; Senior Sustainability Scientist, Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University
  • Seaton Tarrant, Department of Political Science, University of Florida


Register at:


Organized by The Council of Energy Education and Research Leaders (CEREL) of the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE)


(we are limited to 100 participants)



This is the third webinar to discuss the conclusions of the first National Energy Education Summit, The webinars will be held the first Monday of the month at 3 p.m. Eastern time. Slides and video of previous webinars are available at


The Summit report, also available at, presents a vision for energy education in the US. The vision encompasses energy literacy of citizens and students from K-12 to undergraduate, graduate and professional education.


The Summit developed ideas and partnerships for advancing energy education in K-12 programs, promoting a culture of energy efficiency, and through development of degrees, minors, certificates and concentrations. It explored connections between energy and climate, between campus and community, between energy and sustainability and between people of color and the nexus among food, energy and water. It discussed best practices in teaching and how to provide energy education to future professionals in fields such as bioenergy.


CEREL and NCSE invite all energy educators to join them for the Second National Energy Education Summit on June 7, 2016 in Washington DC. The Summit will be held together with the annual conference of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) at American University.


The inaugural Summit was sponsored by

  • The US Department of Energy,
  • National Science Foundation,
  • National Energy Education Development Project (NEED),
  • National Hydropower Association.


For more information contact:

Scott Williams

Research and Education Coordinator

Wisconsin Energy Institute

(608) 890-2199


David E. Blockstein, Ph.D.

Executive Secretary, Council of Energy Research and Education Leaders

Senior Scientist, National Council for Science and the Environment

1101 17th St. NW #250

Washington DC 20036

202-207-0004 direct

202-530-5810 general

202-628-4311 fax