The Hood Lab ( within the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory ( The Ohio State University is recruiting a postdoctoral associate for a study examining the spatial and temporal coupling between river nutrient fluxes and plankton dynamics in Lake Erie. This project asks how Lake Erie phytoplankton and zooplankton community dynamics are shaped by nutrient loading and whether those dynamics have responded to changes in land use or climate over the last 20 years. To address these questions, the successful candidate will apply spatially explicit time series modeling approaches to long-term plankton, climate, and nutrient loading time series datasets. This project is a collaboration between Ohio State University, the Ohio Division of Wildlife, and Indiana University.


Location: The incumbent would join a dynamic, interactive group of faculty, post-docs, and students at the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology ( Office space and necessary computer equipment will be provided in the AEL, located on Ohio State’s Columbus campus. Support to attend scientific meetings also will be provided annually.


Qualifications.A successful applicant will be creative, motivated, and capable of working both independently and cooperatively within an interdisciplinary group, including academics and agency biologists. Minimum qualifications include a PhD in ecology, limnology, oceanography, biostatistics, or a related field. Strong quantitative and communication skills are required. Ideal candidates will have a strong knowledge of spatially-explicit time series modeling, computer programming experience (ideally in R), and a track record of peer-reviewed publications. An understanding of plankton community dynamics and experience working with large datasets is desired, but not required.


Salary: $47,484/year plus comprehensive benefits package


How to apply: Electronically submit a single PDF with cover letter, CV, and names/contact information for three references to Dr. Jim Hood at Put “Lake Erie Post-doc” in subject line. Application review will begin immediately and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. An ideal start date would be January 2019. Feel free to direct questions to Dr. Hood at the email above.