Thrive Fellows

A Year-Long Leadership Program

in Social Innovation

July 2014 to June 2015

Apply or Nominate today!

We are living at a critical moment in history, facing complex challenges like no generation before and holding a profound opportunity to remake our world. It is a time that is calling for system-thinkers, bridge-builders, and social innovators with bold new approaches to social change.

The Thrive Fellows program is a yearlong “leadership-in-action” journey that supports a diverse cohort of young leaders in designing and implementing social innovation projects toward a thriving, just, and sustainable world. Social innovation is the process of generating novel and creative solutions to complex challenges. As Buckminster Fuller aptly stated, “You can never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Each Thrive Fellow will embark upon a yearlong journey that includes personal development, team building, community engagement, collective learning, and collaborative action, by applying the most promising tools and capacities of our time to generate creative solutions to complex challenges.


  • Join a network of dynamic young leaders, changemakers, and innovators
  • Develop leadership skills for creating personal, interpersonal, and social change
  • Deepen your understanding of the intersection of issue areas and how to create systemic change
  • Learn how to turn your ideas into action and create collective impact
  • Co-lead a social innovation project to address complex challenges
  • Receive mentoring from leading experts across multiple sectors of society
  • Connect your local efforts with wider movements of social change
  • Establish a Thrive chapter on your campus or in your community


Young people ages 16 to 29 based in North America who are committed to growing as a leader and bringing social innovation to your campus and/or community. We strongly recommend finding one other person from your campus or community to apply too in order to strengthen the success and impact of your fellowship. If you are interested in applying as an international participant, please contact

Additional criteria for becoming a Thrive Fellows include:

  • Passion for growing personally and creating social change
  • Representing a campus, community, or place-based context for implementing an ongoing social innovation project
  • An ability to commit an average of 6 – 10 hours a week
  • Demonstrated leadership skills and potential, ideally with a track record in community service, social activism, or social entrepreneurship
  • A willingness to cover and/or help raise the funds needed for your tuition costs
  • A commitment to diversity & team collaboration


The Thrive Fellows program unfolds through the implementation of a social innovation project over the course of a year, moving from awareness and learning, to team building and community engagement, to action and impact, and culminating in a process of reflection and integration.

PREPARING – Summer 2014

In the first phase, Thrive Fellows prepare to embark upon their yearlong journey, assessing where they are, what focus they may bring to their social innovation project, and what type of resources they have for the path ahead.

SEEDING – August 10 – 17, 2014

In the second phase, Fellows attend the Thrive Academy, a week-long intensive where they build strong connections with other Thrive Fellows and gain innovative skills, tools, and resources. They depart with a clear vision and a Thrive Action Plan as they move toward implementation.

SPROUTING – Fall 2014

In the third phase, Thrive Fellows return to their home campus or community and begin to apply all that they have learned. They build a team, engage their campus and/or community, and further develop their social innovation project with others.

GROWING – Winter & Spring 2015

In the fourth phase, Thrive Fellows are fully engaged with the implementation of their social innovation projects. They continue to receive coaching and support for growing their projects, rallying needed resources, addressing challenges that emerge along the way, and deepening their impact.

HARVESTING – Summer 2015

In the fifth and final phase, Thrive Fellows reflect on the results of their yearlong journey and create ‘new media reports’ that document their story and can be shared with others. Fellows gather for a final weekend retreat to share all that they have learned, to honor their challenges and successes, and to contribute to the growth of the Thrive Fellows program moving forward.



Thrive Fellows will be supported by full-time staff who provide ongoing assistance with project implementation, strategizing, fundraising, and finding resources.


Each Thrive Fellow will work with an individual coach who will offer one-on-one coaching each month to support them with challenges along the way and to realize their fullest potential.


Thrive Fellows will be part of a peer support group that forms at the Thrive Academy so that they are able to stay connected and receive ongoing support from other Fellows.


Every month a webinar will be hosted featuring a respected expert to provide Thrive Fellows with ongoing opportunities to deepen their knowledge and skills.


Thrive Fellows will have access to the support of a network of experts working in the fields of social innovation, community resilience, leadership development, social justice, design thinking, and more.


An online learning community will support Thrive Fellows in sharing their stories, questions, challenges, and resources.


The curriculum that provides the foundation of the Thrive Fellows program is inspired and informed by the work of Generation Waking Up. Foundational tools & capacities include:

Self-Awareness * Personal Vision & Values * Critical Thinking * Mindfulness * Empathy * Emotional Intelligence * Exploring One’s Life Purpose * Healthy Living & Well-Being Practices * Storytelling and Social Change * Giving & Receiving Feedback * Effective Communication * Public Speaking * Group Facilitation * Shared Leadership * Collaboration & Team Building * Generating Collective Wisdom * Anti-Oppression & Collective Liberation * Community Organizing * Event Planning * Global Citizenship * Ecological Awareness * Systems Thinking * Design Thinking * Social Networking * Crowdfunding * Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue * Social Entrepreneurship * Movement-Building * Creative Problem-Solving * Goal-Setting and Project Planning * Collective Impact


At the center of the Thrive Fellows program is a social innovation project. The focus of a project is determined by each Fellow or team of Fellows, and is further refined as they expand their team and engage their community. Social innovation projects may focus on:

Environmental Sustainability * Social Justice * Health & Well-Being * Media & the Arts * Community Resilience * Civic Engagement * New Economy * Local Food * Education * and more!


Each Thrive Fellow will help establish a Thrive chapter on their campus or in their community as a way for others to join with their efforts and to be connected to the broader Thrive network. Chapters that are officially established at a high school, college, or university will have access to additional resources.


The Thrive Academy is a 7-day leadership training intensive that serves as a powerful launching pad for the Thrive Fellows program. Fellows connect deeply with one another, gain foundational knowledge and skills, and create a Thrive Action Plan for their journey ahead.


August 10 – 17, 2014

Sunday, August 10th at 5pm

Sunday, August 17th at 2pm


The Whidbey Institute

6449 Old Pietila Road

Clinton, WA 98236

One hour from downtown Seattle


Lodging and food for the Thrive Academy are included in the total cost of the Thrive Fellowship program.


Airfare and ground transportation for attending the Thrive Academy must be covered by each Thrive Fellow, in addition to the cost of the year-long program.


Sliding scale $1,500 – $2,500 – Includes all fellowship costs along with the training materials, food, and lodging for the Thrive Academy. Does not include travel or transportation for attending the Thrive Academy or the Thrive Fellows retreat (details TBD). Scholarships and fundraising support are available. Apply for scholarships on the training application.


Application deadline is June 15th

Fill out an online application here. Our team will contact you to confirm your participation.


Nomination deadline is May 30th

If you know an ideal candidate, please fill out an online nomination form here. Our team will contact you to confirm your nomination.


Applications will be reviewed and those selected will be invited into an interview process. Interviews will last 1 hour and will take place in person or by video conferencing.


Thrive Fellows is a program of Generation Waking Up (GenUp), a nonprofit organization based in Oakland, California that is igniting a generation of young people to bring forth a thriving, just, and sustainable world. Learn more about GenUp at

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