Don’t miss the Evergreen Spring Traditional Powwow, put on by the Native Student Alliance this Saturday, May 24 in the College Recreational Center (CRC).  The public is completely welcome to watch the dancers and drummers, and food and shop at the vendors’ tables; it’s a great place to learn about different Indigenous cultures, drum and dance styles.

All the dancers enter the arena in GRAND ENTRIES at 1:00 pm and again at 7:00 pm (after the 5 – 7 dinner break). Each Grand Entry is followed by different categories of dances. You can join on the floor only when the emcee announces an intertribal dance.

Thanks to the Native Student Alliance!

This is the facebook event page:

Emcee – Arnold Littlehead
Arena Director – Larry Cordier
Head Woman Dancer – Elena Santistevan
Head Man Dancer – Melly Mel Blacketer
Host Drum – Young Society

Invited Drums:
Indian Heritage Singers
Little Battle
Rockin Horse

Sound by Randy Vendiola

Specials: Hand Drum – Iron Woman & Man

Brought to you by Nativestudentalliance Tesc – The Evergreen State College – Evergreen Longhouse – Student Activities – Abolish Cops and Prisons – MEXA de Evergreen – The Flaming Eggplant Cafe