Wolverine Tracking Project – wildlife tracking on Mt Hood

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Interested in the animals that live on Mt Hood?  Love to snowshoe? Join the Wolverine Tracking Project, a volunteer-based wildlife survey project through Cascadia Wild.  Develop animal tracking skills, enjoy group trips in a winter wonderland, and help increase knowledge of rare wildlife on Mt Hood.

The Wolverine Tracking Project is an opportunity for you to learn the art of animal tracking while at the same time helping survey for rare carnivores on the Mt Hood National Forest. Participants attend a two-part training in the fall, then help out on survey trips to Mt Hood throughout the winter. Training provides a thorough introduction to animal tracking, as well as information about the survey process.

First training session dates: Thursday Oct 21, 7-9pm, and Saturday Oct 25, 9-noon (there are 4 sessions you can choose from).

Location: Cascadia Wild, 5431 NE 20th Ave, and Oxbow Park.

Season cost: $65

Preregistration required.

Contact us: info@cascadiawild.org, 503-235-9533

For more information and to register: www.cascadiawild.org