​Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program recognizes outstanding scholarship and encourages independent graduate level research—particularly by female and minority students—in NOAA mission-related sciences of oceanography, marine biology and maritime archaeology, including all science, engineering and resource management of ocean and coastal areas.

Scholarship selections are based on academic excellence, letters of recommendations, research and career goals

​, as well as​

financial need.

Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarships may provide

​ (​

subject to appropriations


yearly support of up to $42,000 per student (a 12-month stipend of $30,000 in addition to an education allowance of up to $12,000), and up to $10,000 of support for a 4-6 week program collaboration at a NOAA facility. Masters students may be supported for up to two years, and doctoral students for up to four years. Depending on funding, approximately three to four scholarships are awarded each year.​

Completed applications must be received by Grants.gov by December 10, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time

​For more information about the Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program and to download a copy of this Federal Funding Opportunity, visit http://fosterscholars.noaa.gov
