University of South Florida, College of Public Health
Launches the Online Social Marketing Graduate Certificate Program

Beginning Fall, 2011, the University of South Florida, College of Public Health is offering a graduate certificate in social marketing that can be completed almost exclusively online.   Students must complete four online graduate level programs, and then work with a mentor to conduct a field project and present the project to peers in a capstone seminar.   For more information, contact Carol Bryant or Jim Lindenberger   A list of common questions and answers follows.

1.        Which courses are required?

All students must take the first three courses in the following sequence: Introduction to Social Marketing, Formative Research Methods in Social Marketing, and Managing Social Marketing Programs.  Students may then select either Advanced Formative Research Methods or Advanced Social Marketing Management.  The fifth and final course requires students to work with a social marketing expert to complete a special project (e.g., write a grant for a formative research project; conduct a formative research project and prepare a summary of findings; develop a marketing plan; evaluate a marketing intervention).  Students are required to present their final project, in Tampa Florida, to faculty and peers in a two day capstone seminar held immediately before the Social Marketing in Public Health conference in June. For cohorts of students that number 10 or more in a common location the capstone seminar can be scheduled in the location of the cohort’s residence.

2.        When are the courses offered? One course will be offered each semester, making it possible to complete the certificate in just under two years. The sequence begins with the introductory course in the fall semester (August 22 – December 9, 2011). Formative Research will be offered each spring semester (January 9 – May 4, 2012). Managing Social Marketing Programs will be offered each summer semester (May 14 – July 20, 2012).  The Advanced courses will be offered each fall semester, beginning August 27, 2012.  The capstone course is completed between January 1 and mid-June of the second summer.

3.        Do the courses convene at a specific time or can students complete them at their leisure?

The courses are designed with a set of weekly modules. Students must review the  materials and complete assignments by the end of the week during the semester they are scheduled; however they can complete the assignments at any time during that week that is convenient.  Only rarely are students expected to participate in a conference call or other meeting at a specific time during the week.

4.        Who will teach the courses? Key faculty include: Carol Bryant, Jim Lindenberger, Craig Lefebvre, Kathy Anderson, Tait Martin, Mary Martinasek, and Bonnie Salazar.  Nancy Lee and other social marketers also will contribute lectures and other materials.

5.        How much do the courses cost? $1590 per course.

6.       Are the courses available as not-for-credit or for students already enrolled in other USF graduate programs?  Yes. Students in the current Social Marketing in Public Health certificate program and/or USF graduate degree programs pay regular USF tuition rates, plus a $90 distance learning fee.

7.    How do I apply? Send an email to Carol Bryant at and she will send you an application form.  To talk with her, call 813-974-6686.