Permanent Natural Resource Scientist 4

The Department of Fish and Wildlife is recruiting to fill one full time, permanent, Natural Resource Scientist – Puget Sound Salmon Manager position. The position is located in the Fish Program and the duty station is located at Natural Resources Buildiing, 1111 Washington St SE, Olympia, WA

The Puget Sound Salmon Manager has responsibility for the management of economically valuable Puget Sound commercial and recreational fisheries. This position also represents the State of Washington on an International Panel which serves the Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC) and facilitates implementation of the Pacific Salmon Treaty through management of fisheries which harvest salmon stocks originating from the United States and Canada. As identified in the articles of the Pacific Salmon Treaty, appointments to Panels serving the PSC are made by the governor of the States’ they representative. In carrying out the duties of this position the incumbent leads and supervises four permanent staff responsible for implementing the mandates of the department identified in title 77 of the Revised Code of Washington. Work conducted by this unit includes and is not limited to: a) sampling and analyzing data from commercial and recreations fisheries for salmon in Puget Sound salmon to estimate and minimize impacts to non-target fish and wildlife and achieve management objectives; b) defining research, analyzing data, and implementing management practices to improve the performance of Puget Sound recreational fisheries and hatchery programs; c) analyzing research and sample data on Fraser River sockeye and pink salmon to formulate management options; d) monitoring and in-season management of commercial chum fisheries in international boundary waters covered by the Pacific Salmon Treaty and those occurring Hood Canal and south Puget Sound; e) writing reports on fishery research and performance; and f) tracking, analyzing, and reporting the catch of commercial fisheries throughout the state.

This position also represents the agency for Puget Sound resource and fishery interests and directs the activities of agency representatives in statewide, inter-state and coast-wide forums such as the federal Pacific Fishery Management Council, and the state-tribal sponsored “North of Cape Falcon” forum. Duties

  • Represent Washington State on International Panel which reports to the Pacific Salmon Commission.  As identified in the articles of the United States – Canada Pacific Salmon Treaty, the incumbent serves as an agency representative on a bilateral international panel. This appointment in made by Governor of the State of Washington on the recommendation of the Director of the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The panel has responsibility for making regulatory and technical recommendations to the Pacific Salmon Commission.  This is done through analysis and application of sampling, research, and fisheries data on Pacific salmon covered by the Pacific Salmon Treaty.  Incumbent is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with Pacific Salmon Commission staff, U.S. and Canadian tribal staff and policy representatives, Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans representatives, and fishing industry representatives.
  • Manage Puget Sound Commercial and Recreational Fisheries. Incumbent must utilize and analyze data from Puget Sound salmon fisheries to estimate and minimize impacts to non-target fish and wildlife and achieve management objectives.
  • Writes reports on fishery research and performance. Reports provide recommendations to improve management practices.
  • Represent the agency at public and/or professional meetings as assigned, including the North of Cape Falcon salmon season setting process and regulation hearings.  This process includes negotiating and building consensus among multi-jurisdictional (including 17 Puget Sound Treaty Tribes) colleagues and constituents regarding harvest, conservation plans, and technical aspects of resource impact assessment.  Provide technical assistance and advice to members of agency administration and the public on Puget Sound salmon management.
  • Respond to public, media, and industry inquiries, both in written and verbal forms, concerning Puget Sound salmon management issues.
  • Enhance Puget Sound Recreational Fisheries.  Define research, analyze data, and coordinate the implementation of management practices to improve the performance of Puget Sound recreational fisheries and hatchery programs.
  • Monitor Commercial Salmon Catch.  Track, analyze, and report the catch of commercial salmon fisheries in Puget Sound.
  • Leadership and Management.  Lead, plan, train, and supervise the work performed by the Puget Sound Salmon Management unit.  Ensure appropriate, safe, and optimum use of the organization’s resources and enhance the effectiveness of employees through timely appraisal and professional development opportunities.  Supports effective communications throughout the organization.  Maintains the highest standards of personal/professional and ethical conduct and support the State’s goals for a diverse workforce.

Working conditions

Generally 40 hours/wk, M-F from 8am-5pm.  Seasonal evening and weekend work may be needed. Work is typically conducted in an office or meeting group setting.  This position is expected to travel as part of the positions responsibility to participate in the Pacific Salmon Commission, Pacific Fishery Management Council, and Agency’s North of Falcon salmon season setting process.  Travel to other fishery management meetings, conferences, and/or workshops, and stakeholder meetings are also expected periodically.

Extensive external communication and coordination with international entities (Pacific Salmon Commission staff, Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans), public, Tribal Governments and Representatives, other state entities (Oregon and California departments of Fish and Wildlife) and Federal entities (NOAA/USFWS)

  • A Bachelor’s degree with major study in a natural science (Fish Science, Fish Management, Biology, etc.).
  • A minimum of five years of progressively higher responsible management experience in the area of natural resources.
  • Well-developed communication skills (written and verbal) are required.
  • An in-depth understanding of fish conservation and fisheries management principles, Endangered Species Act law, Tribal law, and administration skills.
  • This position also requires excellent leadership, interpersonal communication, and conflict resolution skills.