12 PhD positions
Please see the following website for application link: https://www.joshswaterjobs.com/jobs/14945?utm_source=Josh%27s+Water+Jobs+Weekly&utm_campaign=dbc78de872-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_05_07_01_38&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_16490fec1f-dbc78de872-226239503
Now open: 12 EARLY STAGE RESEARCHERS (3-years PhD positions) within the MSCA ITN MARSoluT – Managed Aquifer Recharge Solutions Training Network. Application deadline 31.05.2019!
Applicants from all relevant research fields are encouraged to apply, namely GEOSCIENCES, ENGINEERING, HYDROLOGY, and HYDROCHEMISTRY. The selected candidates will perform high-level research activities towards a PhD. The MARSoluT Innovative Training Network (ITN) is funded by the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actionsof the EU. The MARSoluT consortium consists of 10 partners that will recruit, host and train the researchers.
The following 12 positions are available:
► ESR1 project: Reactive barriers for enhanced attenuation of micropollutants
Host Institution: Institute of Applied Geosciences, Darmstadt Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany
Supervisor: Christoph Schüth
Objective: To attenuate micropollutants during MAR infiltration, i) various reactive layers will be tested by manipulating redox conditions (e.g. zero-valent iron, organic rich layers, oxygen release compounds, hydrogen release compounds, ii) various sorptive materials for pollutant immobilization (e.g. activated carbon, biochars, zeolites, ion exchangers) will be tested. Results will be applied by performing field testing for identified materials on two of the MARSoluT test sites. Accompanying reactive modelling will be performed as well.
The candidate should have a hydrochemical background, experience in laboratory work and modelling skills.
For more information about the hosting institution please see: www.geo.tu-darmstadt.de/fg/hydrogeol/hydro_forschung/
► ESR2 project: Assessment of the performance of different soils as a reactive layer to enhance water quality during infiltration in MAR basins – physical and numerical modelling in a large-scale sand-box model
Host Institution: Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), Lisbon, Portugal
Supervisor: Teresa Leitão; Christoph Schüth (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Objective: Conceptualize a set of experiments to test the ability of different soils to remove contaminants from infiltration water, under various experimental conditions. The ESR should program and install real-time monitoring devices, perform water/soil sampling and data analysis, process results to analyse the fate and transport of contaminants in the studied soils for various conditions (e.g. pH, redox, OM), and model reactive transport for specific contaminants.
The candidate should have a background in hydrogeochemistry, experience in lab work and modelling skills.
For more information about the hosting institution, please see: http://www.lnec.pt/hidraulica-ambiente/en/core/water-resources-and-hydraulic-structures-unit/presentation-1/
► ESR3 project: Advanced technical solutions in managed aquifer recharge (MAR)
Host Institution: Empresa de Transformacion Agraria SA (Tragsa), Madrid, Spain
Supervisor: Enrique Fernández-Escalante
Objective: The candidate will contribute to develop detention-infiltration + retention-infiltration systems for climate change adaptation measures, some specific MAR designs and techniques to increase MAR efficiency. The fellow will also provide input to the draft of the future Directive on water reuse and managed aquifer recharge by studying SAT-MAR processes in real plants where Tragsa monitories real SAT-MAR cases. Furthermore, the ESR will support the development of a datasets format adaptable to an integrated IT system under premises of standardization and interoperability.
The candidate should have a background in hydrogeosciences or agriculture engineering, pragmatic vision as well as first experience in fieldwork, construction and basic IT skills. A proficient English level is required.
For more information about the hosting institution, please see: https://www.tragsa.es/ and http://blogs.upm.es/dalretragsa/
► ESR4 project: Chaotic flow strategies to enhance contaminant degradation during managed aquifer recharge (MAR) operations
Host Institution: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
Supervisor: Daniel Fernandez-Garcia
Objective: The candidate will develop, test and apply numerical models based on Lagrangian approaches to simulate chaotic flow during MAR operations. MAR can improve the quality of the recharging water by enhancing the reduction-oxidation processes taking place along the infiltration path and in the mixing area. Besides traditional pollutants, Emerging Organic Compounds (EOCs) have been routinely detected in the recharging water. These compounds are associated with pharmaceutical and personal care products as well as industrial compounds or pesticides. The project contends that an engineering sequence of injections and extractions in the aquifer during MAR operations will increase the contact between recharging solution and groundwater, enhancing mixing and promoting formation of broad redox zonation capable to effectively degrade complex mixtures of EOCs. The ESR will develop modelling tools to simulate chaotic flow reactive transport during artificial recharge with the ultimate objective to assess the risk to sensitive locations, i.e., human health and ecosystems. In this context, Random Walk Particle Tracking Methods offer a convenient numerical modelling solution particularly efficient in dealing with heterogeneities and a large variety of complex transport processes such as non-Fickian transport, incomplete mixing and multiple porosity systems.
The candidate should have an engineering background (civil engineer), good theoretical and programming skills (mathematics and programming language knowledge), basic knowledge in hydrogeology and fluid mechanics.
For more information about the hosting institution, please see: https://h2ogeo.upc.edu/en/
► ESR5 project: Modelling the fate and transport of microbial pathogens and emerging contaminants with Lagrangian approaches
Host Institution: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain
Supervisor: Xavier Sanchez-Vila
Objective: Recycled water used for artificial recharge of aquifers can suppose a major health risk associated to microbial pathogens and emerging contaminants. Managed Aquifer Recharge can improve the quality of the recharging water along the infiltration path and in the mixing area. Besides traditional pollutants, such as microbial pathogens, Emerging Organic Compounds (EOCs) (pharmaceutical and personal care, industrial and agricultural compounds) have been routinely detected in the recharging water. The ESR will develop modelling tools to simulate the fate and transport of microbial pathogens and emerging contaminants during artificial recharge with the ultimate objective to assess the risk to sensitive locations, i.e., human health and ecosystems. Modelling will deal with heavy complexities, from heterogeneity of a large variety of flow and transport parameters, dealing with non-Fickian transport, incomplete mixing, multiple porosity systems, as well as non-linear sorption and co-metabolic degradation.
The candidate should have a background in modelling, environmental sciences, and organic chemistry, with solid mathematical concepts and tools. Some knowledge in microbiology would be an advantage.
For more information about the hosting institution, please see: https://h2ogeo.upc.edu/en/
► ESR6 project: Hydroinformatics and monitoring for investigating groundwater quality changes in managed aquifer recharge (MAR)
Host Institution: Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant’anna, Pisa, Italy
Supervisor: Rudy Rossetto
Objective: The candidate will perform research activities in the field of groundwater hydrology and hydrochemistry using and developing state-of-the-art computational and numerical tools. He/she will have to focus on the integration (with potential changes) of a reactive transport module in aquifers into the open source QGIS integrated FREEWAT www.freewat.eu). Further to this, the ESR will monitor groundwater quality at the EU LIFE REWAT www.liferewat.eu) infiltration basin (Suvereto, Italy) investigating changes occurring in the aquifer during recharge, with specific focus on Boron and Arsenic. The main objective is to investigate model-based quantification of groundwater quality changes during Managed Aquifer Recharge operations. Specific objectives are to (i) master reactive transport using the GIS-integrated H2020 FREEWAT platform, and (ii) test this new module using field data in order to understand hydrochemical reactive processes during MAR operations, (iii) evaluate the effects of recharge on the unsaturated zone for crop water use, (iv) investigate and evaluate the presence and effects of boron and micro-nutrients on crops in the recharge area before and during recharge.
The candidate should have a solid background in groundwater hydrology and hydrochemistry. Additional qualifications in environmental/groundwater modelling, GIS and Python programming skills would be an advantage. Candidates applying for ESR6 are also required to fill in the online application form for the PhD in Agrobiosciences at https://www.santannapisa.it/en/admissions/phd-agrobiosciences-1 within June, 4th 2019 at 12.00 p.m. (midday Italian time).
For more information about the hosting institution, please see: https://www.santannapisa.it/en
► ESR7 project: Hydrogeological and geochemical modelling of a seawater intrusion barrier in an island/coastal groundwater body
Host Institution: Energy and Water Agency, Luqa, Malta
Supervisor: Manuel Sapiano
Objective: The candidate will generate (and validate) conceptual and numerical models of an island/coastal aquifer system and assess the impacts arising from the application of different MAR techniques for the development of a seawater intrusion barrier, giving due consideration to hydrogeological variations in the aquifer matrix. The fellow will develop a proposal for a monitoring scheme intended to validate the modelled quantitative and qualitative impact of a seawater intrusion barrier on the island/coastal groundwater body. In addition, the ESR will undertake a regulatory assessment of applicable EU legislation with the aim of developing regulatory recommendations for ensuring the application of MAR within the regulatory framework of the EU water management framework.
The candidate should have a background in hydrogeology (preferably with a focus on island/coastal hydrogeology), with advanced knowledge of numerical modelling tools and their application in hydrogeology. Additional knowledge in environmental chemistry and EU regulatory frameworks would be an advantage. Proficient knowledge of English is also required.
For more information about the hosting institution, please see: https://www.energywateragency.gov.mt/water/
► ESR8 project: Development and field evaluation of a new approach for mobile and rapid measurement of bed hydraulic conductivity for advantageous assessment of surface-water-ground-water-interaction for enhanced MAR sites operation
Host Institution: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, Germany
Supervisor: Peter Dietrich
Objective: Determination of bed (sedimentary river, channel or lakebed) hydraulic conductivity is a main parameter for predicting exchange rates between surface water and groundwater and is therefore crucial for the operation of the respective MAR infrastructures. The candidate will plan and conduct experimental work on the plot and field scale for determination of bed hydraulic conductivity in vertical direction and calculation of corresponding surface-water-ground-water exchange rates, develop data analysis and data processing routines for this tool, and perform rigorous field evaluation and validation of the tool at different test sites. The ESR will also test different approaches (e.g., geophysical and direct-sensing based methods) to estimate surface water/groundwater interaction at selected river sections and its temporal and spatial dynamics.
The candidate should have a background in applied hydrogeology. Experiences in numerical analysis of groundwater flow and transport processes are highly beneficial. Willingness and physical ability to conduct fieldwork is a basic requirement.
For more information about the hosting institution, please see: https://www.ufz.de/index.php?de=34276
► ESR9 project: Understanding and predicting clogging behaviour to enhance and maintain infiltration capacity of MAR infrastructure
Host Institution: Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, Germany
Supervisor: Peter Dietrich
Objective: Clogging caused by deposition of fine-grain sediment load (colmation) suspended in infiltration water can lead to a significant reduction of the infiltration capacity of MAR infrastructure over time and causes high maintenance costs. The candidate will adopt existing clogging models, e.g. from research fields such as wastewater management, to MAR requirements and identify key parameters for model parameterisation. In addition, the ESR will develop respective routines for representative field-scale measurements of these parameters. The aim is to close existing gaps in process understanding and create data sets for model evaluation through laboratory and field experiments. Furthermore, the fellow will deduce concepts for cost efficient maintenance of MAR infrastructures to ensure long-lasting efficiency (decision-making matrix).
The candidate should have a background in applied hydrogeology. Experiences in numerical analysis of groundwater flow and transport processes are highly beneficial. Willingness and physical ability to conduct field work is a basic requirement.
For more information about the hosting institution, please see: https://www.ufz.de/index.php?de=34276
► ESR10 project: Integration of MAR solutions and modelling know-how for improvement of quantitative and qualitative status of selected water bodies identified in River Basin Management Plans
Host Institution: Universidade do Algarve (UAlg), Faro, Portugal
Supervisor: Jose Paulo Monteiro
Objective: The candidate will collaborate in the analysis of the impact of pre-existing and new MAR solutions as strategies to address integrated water resources management problems. These solutions must contribute to invert the status of quantitative and qualitative degraded groundwater bodies, identified in River Basin Management Plans (according to the exigencies of the “European Water Framework Directive”). Identified pressures responsible by the quantitative and qualitative problems are, for example, intensive use of fertilizers in agriculture, pollution in urban areas, and overexploitation resulting in modifications of river-aquifer interactions and seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers. The impact of the predicted MAR solutions will be simulated using groundwater flow and transport models in order to investigate scenarios of water resources management compatible with the objectives of the River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) defined by the Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA) and to be included in the respective Programmes of Measures.
The candidate should have experience in the use of distributed parameters hydrogeological models (finite elements/finite differences), familiarization with GIS software for pre and post processing of modelling data, and skills of hydrochemistry and experience in sampling and monitoring of water resources (fieldwork).
For more information about the hosting institution, please see: https://www.ualg.pt/
► ESR11 project: Flow, transport and reactions of recharged desalinated seawater in a porous aquifer
Host Institution: The Agricultural Research Organisation of Israel – the Volcani Centre, Bet Dagan, Israel
Supervisor: Daniel Kurtzman
Objective: The candidate will perform research on mixing and reactive transport of desalinated seawater injected in aquifers to understand the evolution of the major-ions chemistry in the aquifer water in the vicinity of the MAR system, especially the question of Mg enrichment, and develop data-based models that will enable skilful predictions of scenarios of the hydrology and chemistry of the ground water under different MAR scenarios in a probabilistic approach.
The candidate should have a background in groundwater hydrology, probability theory and geostatistics as well as strong capabilities in computational methods and modeling of geophysical processes.
For more information about the hosting institution, please see: www.agri.gov.il/en/people/940.aspx
► ESR12 project: Flow, transport and reactions of recharged desalinated seawater in a porous aquifer
Host Institution: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece
Supervisor: Andreas Kallioras
Objective: The candidate will carry out hydro‐environmental modelling of MAR and work on participatory driven water resources modelling scenarios. The ESR will also contribute in the identification and valuation of socio‐economic and environmental processes and linkages of groundwater uses and services. The fellow will finally develop an integrated WRM & socioeconomic model. More specifically, the candidate will use an existing MAR site as a reference site to develop a WR model for the hydrologic modelling of MAR activities, develop alternative modelling scenarios as dictated by the involved stakeholders, after the organization of joint workshops, focus groups meetings, interview surveys etc. and identify the main socio‐economic processes that are connected to the resulted aquifer ecosystem services after the application of MAR technologies.
The candidate should have a background in water resources management, earth sciences with special focus on groundwater science/engineering and/or environmental economics.
For more information about the hosting institution, please see: http://eng.metal.ntua.gr/
Additional Information:
► Benefits: You will be part of an international research consortium and network, and benefit from the designed training programme including a secondment offered by the host organisation and the consortium. This is your chance to collaborate with international experts and research groups. The 3-years full time employment contract with attractive salary includes a mobility allowance for personal travel as well as a family allowance (if applicable).
► Eligibility criteria: The Marie Skłodowska-Curie program is committed to equality and diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society. The researcher must not have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of his/her host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to his/her recruitment. Short stays, such as holidays, are not taken into account. The ESR shall – at the date of recruitment by the host organisation – be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.
► Selection process: All applications will be collected by the project recruiting coordinator. Candidates are supposed to draw up a priority list with the first three desired individual research projects and host locations (s. “Description of the ESRs’ individual research projects” under the “Basic Information” tab). Eligible applications will be forwarded to the respective project partner, who will invite the candidates for an interview (personal or Skype). By this, the selection process involves the following steps:
Step1: Eligibility check
Step 2: Scientific evaluation
Step 3: (Skype) Interview
The Supervisory Board of the MARSoluT project will assess all eligible applications and maintain that the recruitment procedures comply with the principles set forward in the European Charter for Researchers and in the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and that they are fair considering ethnicity, gender, and disability.
► How to apply: For application, please download and complete the application form and send it, together with all relevant documents as mentioned on the form, to: Dr. Annette Wefer-Roehl, wefer-roehl@geo.tu-darmstadt.de
► Application deadline: 31.05.2019